Battle of Saint Lô (Bonus)

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(Before we move on, I would like to give the credit to gg012108 for giving me a idea for Battle of Saint Lô and turning this one into a bonus scene for you all)

(Corporal Louis Pier Jones)

(Equipment: Thompson SMG, M1911 pistol later to have a Luger P08 from Y/n in the later chapters)

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(Equipment: Thompson SMG, M1911 pistol later to have a Luger P08 from Y/n in the later chapters)

-Year: July 19, 1944-

-Operation name Battle of Saint Lô-

-Location: France, 5th Ranger Infantry Division camp, outside of Saint Lô-

-Corporal Louis POV-

It been weeks since I heard my uncle Pierson who lands at Normandy but now we have to capture Saint Lô that is held by the Nazis. I even got reports that half of the German army attack their own comrades and called themselves the Rebellion German Army or R.G.A for short. As my commanding officer coming to me and his name is Major Bob or we give him the nickname, Popcorn who is likes to pop out of nowhere.

(Major Bob/Popcorn)

Popcorn: ALRIGHT RANGERS! Our job is to capture and secure Saint Lô from the Krauts, before those reinforcements arrive, we will have air and tank support if things get shit ways

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Popcorn: ALRIGHT RANGERS! Our job is to capture and secure Saint Lô from the Krauts, before those reinforcements arrive, we will have air and tank support if things get shit ways. Any questions?

U.S Ranger1: How many krauts are in Saint Lô, Major, Popcorn?

Popcorn: 3rd paratrooper division and the 352nd infantry division, around 6,000 or 9,000 that's includes the SS.

U.S Ranger2: Damn that many? Including the Waffen-SS units?

Popcorn: Yes that's is why I said we have air and tank support.

Louis: Sir are there any kraut armor or artillery in Saint Lô?

Popcorn: There are a few panzers IIs and panzer IV and couple of 88mm cannon. That we need to destroy.

U.S Ranger3: What about half of the kraut army?

Popcorn: We received some intel that half of the German army are joining the Ailles and they call themselves the Rebellion German Army or shorten to R.G.A and lead by a name lieutenant major Y/n Wilhelm. This woman you see right here is a ex-SS who just quits being the SS and joined the Wehrmacht. And Hitler allow it and given her to the 9th Panzer Division. No more questions, we got to move out to Saint Lô now, dismissed!

Pierson x German Female Reader: No Mission Is Too Difficult! (COD WWII)Where stories live. Discover now