🍋🍋 Lemon 🍋🍋

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-Year: August 27, 1944-

-Operation name none-

-Location: France, Paris-

-Y/n POV-

I woke up naked as I look at Pierson who is still sleeping, I smiled as the door knock as I grab a towel as I went to the door as I opened it and saw Aiello.

Aiello: Morning Y/n.

Y/N: Guten Morgen.(Good morning.)

Aiello: I know I don't speak German but I brought your uniform to you. *hands Y/n fix uniform.*

Y/N: *takes it.* Danke Aiello.(Thank you Aiello.)

Aiello: I believe that means thank you, anyway I am heading down to the bar get myself a drink.

He left as I close the door, I went to the bed as I set my close on the bed, I went to the bathroom as I take a shower after finishing my shower as I wrapped around with my towel as I step out of the shower and went to the mirror. My hair is long and keep getting into my face as I grab a scissor as I take my hair short, most of my time in the Third Reich they give me the nickname MP40 but I don't care what they say about me as I am done cutting my hair. And I heard a knock on the bathroom door as I put the scissor down as I went to the bathroom door and opened the door to reveal naked Pierson and he said.

Pierson: What did you do to your hair?

Y/N: Oh, ich habe es geschnitten, da meine Haare immer wieder in mein Gesicht kommen. Also habe ich es geschnitten, was hältst du von meinen Haaren, Baby?(Oh I cut it since my hair keeps getting into my face. So I cut it, what do you think of my hair babe?)

Pierson: Ich mag es, oh, und bin ich an der Reihe zu duschen?(I like it, oh and is it my turn to take a shower?)

Y/N: Danke Babe, und ja, du bist an der Reihe, eine Show zu machen - Warte, du hast Deutsch gesprochen!?(Thanks babe, and yes it's your turn to take a show- Wait, you spoke German!?)

Pierson: *chuckles.* I been reading and practice German for some time.

I smiled at my lovely Pierson as I step out of the bathroom as Pierson lightly slap my ass which I blush and I let slide for now as I get change into my causal clothing on.

(Y/n causal clothing)

After finishing getting as I wait for Pierson for him to finish his shower which he did, he come out with the towel wrap around his waist as he get change into his clothes as he did

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After finishing getting as I wait for Pierson for him to finish his shower which he did, he come out with the towel wrap around his waist as he get change into his clothes as he did.

(Pierson causal clothing)

(Pierson causal clothing)

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Pierson x German Female Reader: No Mission Is Too Difficult! (COD WWII)Where stories live. Discover now