Chapter Seven

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Class ends more quickly than I had anticipated and Harry and I walk out together. His hands are pushed into the pockets of his black jeans. "By the way, Thales is not better than Democritus." I playfully smile at him and he returns it. "Prove it," he says, the smile still plastered onto his beautiful face. I tilt my head in confusion. "Prove it?" I question, examining the way his dimples disappear and reform when he licks his lips. "Yeah, prove it." I kick at the sidewalk. "For one thing, he gets all this credit for being the first greek philosopher, but that doesn't mean anything." He nods and runs his fingers through his long hair.

"I agree, but he was kind of amazing. Oh by the way, he's the first philosopher in the greek tradition according to Aristotle, so that's gotta mean something." I roll my eyes and bite my lip, thinking I may lose this battle. "Not to mention that he kinda came up with the origin of nature and matter..," he continues with a smug grin. I wave my hands in the air. "Okay, okay! I get it!" He laughs and looks ahead and the smile on his face is replaced by a flat line. I follow his eyes over to Louis and Zayn leaning against the wall of the dining hall, smirking at Harry and me.

I'm confused as to why Zayn and Louis' presence makes Harry so tense. The two boys begin to walk over and Harry rolls his eyes. "Afternoon, Harry," Louis says and nods to me,"Claire." I smile at him and wave at Zayn. "Sorry to see you vanish at lunch today, Mate," Louis says. I can tell that Harry is getting annoyed by the way his jaw clenches.

The cross tattooed on the side of his hand is turning white from his fist. "Umm, well I'm going to go to my dorm, I don't have anymore classes today," I begin to walk away. "I'll join you," Harry says. Louis calls to Harry,"Me and the lads will be back at our dorm if you wanna join!" Harry's jaw relaxes slightly and he responds," Not likely!" I can hear Louis and Zayn snicker behind us.

I look at him. He looks slightly annoyed but more relaxed than a couple minutes ago. "You okay?" I softly ask, careful not to unravel any bunched up nerves he may still have. He smiles down at me, giving me the reassurance I needed. "I am now." I blush and brush my hair behind me ear.

Harry's POV~

She opens the door to her dorm and leads me inside. Everything is pristine and orderly. Not one thing on the floor and her bed perfectly made. It only takes me a moment of looking at the books on her bookcase to notice that she has alphabetized them. I smile to myself, keeping my teasing comments to myself. She immediately pulls a pink sweatshirt over her head. "So, what do you want to do?" She sits on her bead and I shrug, awkwardly standing next to the small bookcase.

I move over and sit next to her on the small bed. "We could just talk? Like we did at dinner? I liked that," I tell her, staring into her ice blue eyes. She smiles and nods. "What's going on with you and your friends?" She asks, picking at the fringe on her comforter. I take a deep breath before answering. "I don't know. They just piss me off a lot and like to tease me and shit." She nods again and I can't help but completely melt under her gaze. Before I can stop myself, I'm leaning into her.

The fact that she doesn't move away gives me the courage to touch my lips to hers. They are soft and warm and I can feel her smile under our touch. I reach my hand up to sweep the hair that always falls over her face behind her ear. She moves her body slightly closer and I move my hand down to the small of her back.

Suddenly, she pulls away at the sound of knocking on her door. Worry and embarrassment is clear on her face. She fixes her hair that already looked perfect before answering the door. A thin girl with arched eyebrows and copper hair walks in and her eyes widen at the sight of me. I slightly remember her hanging around Zayn. Then it hits me. She's Zayn's new girlfriend, Aubrey. I lift a hand to greet her. "Hey, Harry." A huge grin creeps across her face and she turns to Claire, crossing her arms.

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