Chapter 10

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Ronal found herself in a small hut nestled deep within the lush forests. She had been traveling with Opä to look for new herbs.

As they sat together in the dimly lit hut, Ronal and Opä discussed their recent journey to the nearby mountains in search of new healing herbs. They had heard rumors of a rare plant that possessed extraordinary healing properties, and they were determined to find it.

Opä carefully examined a collection of dried herbs spread out on a wooden table. "Ronal, I believe we are close to discovering this elusive herb." She said, her voice filled with excitement. "The legends speak of its ability to cure even the most stubborn ailments."

Ronal nodded eagerly, her curiosity piqued. She had always been fascinated by the healing arts and was eager to learn from Opä's vast wisdom. "Do you think this herb could help heal those affected by the recent outbreak of illness in the village?" She asked.

Opä smiled warmly at Ronal's enthusiasm. "It is possible," she replied. "But we must first find it and test its efficacy. The legends say that it grows in the highest peaks of the mountains, where few have ventured."

Determined to aid their community, Ronal and Opä set out on their journey once again. They kept swimming in the water as they made it towards the floating mountains.

After hours of searching, they finally stumbled upon a hidden valley carpeted with vibrant flowers and lush vegetation.

In awe of their surroundings, Ronal marveled at the beauty of nature's creations. She noticed a peculiar plant with delicate blue petals that shimmered in the sunlight. "Opä, could this be the herb we've been searching for?" She asked, pointing at the plant.

Opä's eyes widened with excitement as she examined the plant. "Ronal, you may have just discovered the legendary healing herb." She exclaimed. "This is a breakthrough!"

They carefully collected samples of the plant and returned to Opä's hut to conduct experiments. Over the next few hours, they worked tirelessly, testing different combinations and preparations of the herb.

They observed its effects on various ailments and recorded their findings meticulously.

Soon evening hit, as Ronal was assisting Opä in grinding the dried herb into a fine powder, She suddenly felt a wave of dizziness wash over her. She clutched her chest, struggling to catch her breath. Alarmed, Opä rushed to her side and helped her sit down.

"Ronal, are you alright?" She asked with concern etched on her face.

Ronal shook her head weakly. "I don't know what's happening." She replied, her voice barely a whisper as she lied to the mother. "I feel sick and faint."

Opä's eyes widened with realization as she looked at Ronal. "Ronal," she said gently, placing a hand on her stomach, "I believe I know what is happening to you."

Confused and disoriented, Ronal looked up at Opä in bewilderment. "What do you mean?" She asked.

Opä smiled softly. "Ronal, my dear girl." she said, her voice filled with warmth and joy." You are not just sick. You are experiencing the symptoms of pregnancy."

Ronal looked down as Opä looked at her and frowned.

"But you knew that, didn't you?" She asked and Ronal nodded." How could you and Tonowari be irresponsible you're supposed to be mated within a few months, not now and with a baby too." She told the girl as Ronal's ears went down.

"How are we supposed to tell the people that you have already mated?" She said as Opä tries to come up with some sort of way to tell the people." You don't have to tell anyone because we're not mated." Ronal said and Opä looked at her confused.

"What do you mean you're not mated?" She asked the girl and Ronal looked down." Because the baby is Tsowäl." She said and Opä's eyes widened." What!"


Ronal and Tsowäl sat nervously in front of their parents, trying to avoid eye contact with each other. Their parents, Opä, Ätso and Fomlì were visibly upset, their faces stern and angry.

"You two have brought shame upon our family," Ätso growled, his voice low and menacing. "How could you do this? Ronal, you were meant to be mated to Tonowari, not some...his brother..." He spat out.

Ronal hung her head, feeling a mix of guilt and defiance. She knew that her father had always wanted her to mate with Tonowari. But she couldn't help who she fell in love with.

"I'm sorry, Father," Ronal said softly. "I never intended to cause any harm. I just wanted to be with Tsowäl."

Tsowäl fidgeted uncomfortably, his eyes cast downward. He knew that wasn't liked by Ronal's father, and that his relationship with Ronal was seen as taboo. But he loved her, and he knew that she loved him too.

"You should have thought about that before you got pregnant," Ätso snapped, his voice cold and hard. "Now our family's honor is tarnished, all because of your selfish desires."

Ronal's father punched Tsowäl hard across the cheek, causing him to cry out in pain. Ronal leapt to his feet, his anger boiling over. Opä hissed at the man as she pushed him back.

"How dare you hit him!" Ronal shouted, her voice trembling with rage. "He's done nothing wrong. I chose to be with him. If you want to punish someone, it should be me!"

Ätso sneered at his daughter. "You have shamed us all, Ronal." He told her and Ronal looked down." Mom?" She asked and Fomlì nodded before taking her husband out of the hut.

"I'm so sorry, Opä." Ronal said and Opä sighs." It's fine." She said before looking at her son who had a bruise on his face." We better get you cleaned up." Opä said as Ronal helped Tsowäl up.

"I will take him back to his hut and clean him up." Ronal said and Opä nodded, allowing them to go home.

When they got home, Tsowäl fell to the ground." I am so sorry about my father. He shouldn't have done that." Ronal said and Tsowäl chuckled at her." It's fine."

"But still, he shouldn't have done that." She said before getting a wet cloth and cleaning up the blood on Tsowäl's face." I don't think I can see his face right now." She mumbled to herself.

"You can always stay with me?" He asked and she looked at him." I can't, my parents are already mad at us for being together." She told him as she put the cloth back in the water." But they will have no choice but to allow us to be together. We're becoming parents now, Ronal. Please." He said and she sighs.

"Are you sure?" She asked and Tsowäl nodded at her. She smiled at him before nodding." Okay I will stay with you." She said and Tsowäl smiled before kissing her on the lips.

"Tsowäl, you literally just got punched in the face. I don't think I want to taste the blood in my mouth." She said and Tsowäl just laughed as Ronal smiled at him.' Whatever you say, my love."

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