Chapter 19

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Ronal perched on her skimwing, watching Neytiri on her Ikran, holding a spear

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Ronal perched on her skimwing, watching Neytiri on her Ikran, holding a spear. Neytiri tightly grasped her spear upon noticing a fish.

She swiftly dove into the water and skillfully captured the fish with her spear. Intrigued, Ronal submerged herself to observe Neytiri's Ikran also diving into the water.

Grasping her Ikran tightly, Neytiri rose from beneath the water and soared into the sky. Ronal surfaced, observing Neytiri's jubilant cry as she held her spear adorned with a lifeless fish.

Ronal just sighed as Neytiri was once again refusing to learn her ways.


Lo'ak and Tsireya sat on a cluster of rocks, encircled by vibrant coral. Tsireya shared crucial details about her homeland, while Lo'ak focused on honing his breathing technique.

"The way of water has no beginning and no end."

In just a few minutes, they found themselves surrounded by the tranquil waters of the ocean. The gentle sway of the waves provided a subtle motion. Tsireya playfully tossed a seashell, observing as it descended into the depths, prompting Lo'ak to retrieve it.

"The sea is around you, and within you."

Tsireya confidently nods at Lo'ak, who takes a deep breath before submerging himself into the crystal-clear water.

"The sea is your home, before your birth and after your death."

Lo'ak propels himself forward by kicking and swimming with his unoccupied arm and legs, relying solely on his own strength to descend towards the seashell that continued its descent into the deep waters.

"Our hearts beat in the womb of the world."

He is surrounded by a handful of sea creatures, gracefully swimming around him and effortlessly maneuvering through the gaps between his presence.

"Our breath burns in the shadows of the deep. The sea gives, and the sea takes."

Lo'ak gracefully glides through the water, propelling himself forward with each stroke. As he continues his aquatic journey, his keen eyes catch sight of the seashell that Tsireya had tossed aside. With a determined reach, Lo'ak extends his arm to seize the precious treasure.

"Water connects all things. Life to death. Darkness to light."

Rising towards the surface, he swam with determination, breaking through the water's surface to take in precious breaths of air, his heart pounding heavily in his chest.

With a gleeful expression, Lo'ak proudly displays the shell, exclaiming, "Look! I got it!" Tsireya joins in the excitement, clapping and laughing, as she skillfully takes the shell from his hand. "You did it!"


Ewluea led Lo'ak through the vibrant underwater world, a place where the plants danced gracefully with the currents. The colorful coral reefs swayed with each gentle movement, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. Lo'ak marveled at the beauty that surrounded him, completely captivated by the wonders of the waters and animals.

As they swam deeper, Ewluea pointed out different types of plants and showed how they work underwater. She showed Lo'ak the delicate seagrasses that acted as homes for various marine creatures. The seagrasses provided shelter and camouflage, allowing smaller fish to hide from their predators.

Ewluea then came across a unique plant with an air pocket. She showed Lo'ak the air pocket within the plant.

"This plant has evolved to create its own air pocket," Ewluea explained. "It allows the plant to survive in areas with low oxygen levels, providing a source of fresh air. It's amazing how plants adapt to their surroundings, isn't it?"

Lo'ak nodded in awe, realizing the incredible resilience and ingenuity of nature. He was deeply fascinated by the plant's ability to sustain itself in such challenging conditions.

Ewluea then demonstrated another intriguing feature of the underwater plants. She cupped her hands together and released a gentle stream of bubbles. The bubbles traveled through the water, creating a soft echoing sound. She smiled at Lo'ak, inviting him to try.

Lo'ak mimicked Ewluea's actions, blowing a stream of bubbles into the water. He was delighted to hear the echoing sound that reverberated through the underwater world. They both laughed playfully, enjoying this newfound way of communication.

In the midst of their laughter, Lo'ak noticed a strand of hair that had strayed onto Ewluea's face. Without thinking, he reached out and gently tucked it behind her ear. Ewluea blushed and smiled at him, her eyes sparkling with joy.

Unbeknownst to them, Tsireya, observed their interaction from a distance. She couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as she slowly realized her own feelings for Lo'ak. However, she chose to remain silent, not wanting to hurt her cousin's feelings.

Tsireya continued to swim alongside Ewluea and Lo'ak, trying to push her own emotions aside. She hoped that her feelings would fade with time, but deep down, she couldn't help but wonder what the future held for their complicated relationship.


Walking into the hut, Tsowäl overheard Ronal saying, "She's not getting it." Intrigued, Tsowäl questioned, "Who's not getting it?" Ronal casually threw her fish into the bowl and replied, "Neytiri."

Ronal let out a sigh as she mentioned, "I was supposed to teach her our fishing techniques today, but she chose to stick to her own traditions." Frustrated, she turned to her husband and asked, "How can we let her and her family stay here if they're not willing to embrace our ways or make an effort?"

"I mean her husband and her kids are learning the way, but I have no clue about her situation." He said as he placed his knife aside and sat down. "Where are the kids?" Ronal asked.

"They decided to go exploring to show the Sully kids the beauty of the water." He said and Ronal smiled as she started playing with herbs." I'm not sure if I can continue teaching her if she's not willing to learn. It might be best to just give up on the whole lesson," Ronal confessed, eliciting a frown from Tsowäl. "Hey, don't say that."

"She's probably struggling to adapt to our way, but I won't make excuses for her because they've been here for weeks already. You gotta make it clear to her that if she wants to stay here, she needs to pick up some knowledge about our culture." He mentioned, and Ronal agreed with a nod.

Ronal admitted, "You're right. I should prove to her that if she doesn't want to embrace our ways, there's no need for her to stay here." She got up and left the hut. However, Tsowäl clarified, "That's not exactly what I meant." Sadly, she had already left.

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