twenty five

806 22 44

Friday, September 8th, 2023

This pregnancy was just flying by. I swear only yesterday I was begging Joe to take a test immediately after we had sex, but now I was 20 weeks and our little boy was halfway done growing. I wasn't entirely sure how this baby still had 20 more weeks of growing to do though, because I already feel huge. I officially can't see my feet anymore when I look down.

I sat on the couch next to Joe, avoiding looking at my phone. I knew it would be absolutely blowing up, so I just decided to turn it off and ignore everything anyone had to say.

I finally announced I was pregnant today. It took a lot of emotional preparation to press post, but once I did it I felt a huge weight off my shoulders. It took a fair while, and a lot of discussions with Tree to make the final decision about what we would post and when, but we ended up deciding on a photo of Joe and I together where my bump was very visible. This was a huge step for two reasons. Number one, obviously because I'm telling the whole world I'm pregnant, but number two is that I'm posting a photo with Joe. People obviously know we're together, but I'd never posted anything with him before.

I knew people would have a lot to say about this post, but I was just praying that at least most of the headlines were nice.

"You ready to go love?" Joe asked as he started fixing the collar of his shirt.

"I've been ready for ages, you're the one that took your time." I laughed, getting up from the couch and shoving my powered off phone into my pocket.

We were going to my mom and dad's house for dinner, and since Joe's family is in America at the moment they're going as well. We tried to have dinner with both our families as often as we can, which is pretty much whenever Joe's family is in Nashville or if my family's in London.

It only took 15 minutes to get there, but that still meant we were 20 minutes late, since someone took a really long time fixing his hair before we left.

My mom opened the front door and immediately greeted us both with hugs.

"Taylor look at your bump! You're glowing!" My mom smiled.

Elizabeth also came straight to the door and hugged me, complimenting my small bump and completely ignoring her son's presence.

"It's nice to see you too mum." Joe rolled his eyes sarcastically and laughed while he closed the door behind him.

"Oh shush Joe you'll get your turn for attention when you grow a human inside of you," Elizabeth said, not even looking up at him.

I smiled at Joe and shrugged, his mom isn't wrong. He's not the one that has to go through this whole pregnancy thing.

"So how far along are you now?" My mom asked as we all followed each other through the house and into the living room where Scott and Richard were.

"I was 20 weeks yesterday." I smiled and sat down next to Joe.

"Wow, so you're already halfway!" Elizabeth said with a small gasp.

"Yeah, and my back is already killing me. It's hard to believe baby boy is only going to get bigger!" I smiled, placing both hands on my belly.

We all made conversation for a while until dinner was ready, then moved our conversation to the table, where we started eating. I'm really glad Joe and I's family get along so well. If they didn't, it would probably be a huge issue, considering my family is the most important thing to me.

Pretty much the entire conversation so far had been baby related, and it's not like I'm mad about that, I love talking about my baby boy. This was the first grandchild in our little Swift-Alwyn family, so it was a very hot topic of conversation.

this is me trying: taylor swift + joe alwynWhere stories live. Discover now