Week One, Wednesday

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Week One, Wednesday

The morning quickly becomes a new routine, with Osano added to it. Today, Ayano chooses to wait with Osano in the morning, as he seems upset when she contemplates heading off to the Rainbow Six.

She'd rather not upset her closest friend right away.

Taro shows up fifteen minutes before the bell, running up to them. "Sorry I'm so late, guys," Taro says as he gasps for breath. "My brother was on my phone last night and drained it, but forgot to plug it in. My alarm is on it."

Osano groans. "Really? Hanakō did that again? He keeps doing this!"

Taro nods. "I'm just lucky that he remembered to wake me up before leaving for his school. Otherwise I'd still be asleep."

"Didn't you say that Hanakō is trying to come to Akademi? Why is he still at the other school?"

"He's still studying for the entrance exam. Since he wasn't ready for it last time, he has to wait like eight more weeks before the next exam. So he's going to cram school after school." Taro looks at Ayano. "Oh right, you haven't met my little brother! He's a first right now. Maybe you guys can meet soon." He seems to like the idea, so Ayano agrees.

The warning bell ring, and Taro jumps. "I should get to class. I'll see you guys at lunch!" Then, with one last smile, he's gone. Osano and Ayano head to class.


When the bell rings for lunch, Osano and Ayano get ready to head up quickly. However, they're stopped just as quickly by Kokona.

"Ayano! I heard that you were at the Cooking Club yesterday!" Kokona says as she pulls Ayano into a hug. "You simply have to check out the Drama Club today, okay?"

Ayano smiles and nods. "Of course I will, Kokona."

Kokona beams, then leans closer to Ayano. "And of course," she fake whispers, "you can also check out our stunning guys." Then she giggles and leans back.

Ayano smiles. "You keep mentioning them. I almost have to wonder if there's a specific guy that you're checking out?" She says, making her tone lighter to indicate that she's teasing.

Kokona just winks, then seems to notice Osano, who seems annoyed. "Oh, sorry! I've been keeping you two from lunch! I'll see you later, Ayano. Sorry again...Osano, right? Right. Well, see ya!"

Kokona starts to walk away, but notices how Osano has his hand on Ayano's wrist. She pauses, and blurts, "Oh! Are you two dating? Sorry about the comments about our drama guys, Osano."

Osano sputters. "I'm not...she's not-"

"We aren't dating. I just met him on Friday." Ayano explains calmly. "We're friends."

Kokona seems disappointed. "Oh, alright." She brightens quickly. "Well then, my offer is still on the table! I'm sure you'll like one of them!" She walks off then, her steps bouncy.

Osano just glares at Kokona's retreating form, then drags Ayano after him, muttering about how she makes assumptions too fast.

Taro looks confused when the two arrive, but Ayano brushes it off.

It takes a couple of minutes for Osano to calm down, but he's quick to join the conversation afterwards. Lunch ends too soon.

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