Week Three, Friday

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Week Three, Friday


    Kizano is waiting with Osano and Amao when Ayano opens her door today. She, well, honestly she isn’t surprised to see a new arrival. She just smiles and locks the door behind her.

    The walk is filled with snippets of conversations. Small talk carries between the four. At first, Ayano assumes it’s because Kizano joined, and they don’t know how to merge him into the group.

    And then, as they get closer to the school, Ayano notices the pink hair, peeping out from behind a house. It’s gone in a flash, but it doesn’t help.

    Ayano steps closer to her three friends, and topic is quickly changed to ask her what she plans to do today. They speak quietly, listening for footsteps.

    When they get to the school, Ayano changes her shoes and is dragged away by Kizano right after. The three boys lead her into the Cooking Club room, where Amao shuts the doors behind them.

    “Was he following?” Osano asks. “Or did he stop when we got to the gate?”

    “I think he stopped,” Amao responds, and shakes his head. “He creeps me out.”

    “He was watching us.” Ayano sits down as she speaks. “How did he know where to hide? I spotted him ahead of us, he was waiting.”

    “He’s followed you before.” Kizano realizes. “That disgusting little-”

    “Are you feeling okay?” Amao asks, and Ayano just stares at him. She’s never felt like this before.

    She’s never felt so small.

    It annoys her.

    “I’m fine,” Ayano replies automatically, still puzzled over her, what, fear? Panic? She needs time to think this out. 

    The rest of the boys sit down, but they all keep glancing at the doors, watching to see if they open, almost daring Otohiko to pop up.

    “You,” Osano starts, and hesitates when Ayano’s eyes snap to his. “You can always talk to us. You know that, right?” 

    Ayano nods in return. Her phone buzzes. It’s a text in the group chat, again.

    Kokona: Yan, where are you? I’m with the R.S. right now, but Taro is waiting at the fountain and the boy is watching for you.

    Taro: Wait, he is? Where?

    Kokona: He’s hiding in the doorway right now. Yan don’t go to the fountain I don’t trust this kid. 

    Ayano watches as the other three boys read the texts, and they all start to text.

    Osano: Don’t worry, Aya’s with us. We’re not going to the fountain until we deal with him.

    Kizano: We aren’t letting him anywhere near her alone. He was watching us on our way to school. Clearly, he’s already stalked her on her way home.

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