Week Four, Tuesday

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Week Four, Tuesday

    Ayano’s phone is buzzing when she wakes up, but Ayano doesn’t stop to check it. She goes through her morning routine, and waits until she’s walking down the streets with Osano, Amao, and Kizano to see who’s been messaging her.

    There’s one from Musume. ‘ So, like, when are you, me, and Kokona gonna, like, hang out? I so need deets on that Shozo boy still! 

    Ayano sighs and goes to text Kokona. ‘ Musume wants to hang out. Want to hang out after school with her? 

    Kokona replies immediately. ‘ Sure! How long do we have to do this, by the way? 

    ‘ Until she gets bored, or we get her with Shozo. 

    ‘ Well, we can do that in a week. Shozo would give anyone a chance. I’m not sure how long he’ll stay with her, though… 

    ‘ He can leave her in a week, we just have to set them up. That should be enough for Musume to feel repaid. Then we’re fine. 

    ‘ Alright. Want to go to the mall after drama? 

    ‘ Yeah, I’ll text Musume. See you at school. 

    ‘ See ya, Yan!! 

    Ayano switches back to her conversation with Musume.

    ‘ Kokona and I are free after drama today. Want to head to the mall? 

    The reply comes quickly. ‘ Totes! I, like, totally need new clothes, anyways. I’m literally going to die if I don’t get this crop top I saw the other day. 

    Ayano sighs, and Osano looks at her. “You okay?”

    “Yeah, I’m just making plans for after school.”

    “And you’re upset?” Amao asks, confused.

    Ayano shrugs. “Just annoyed, but I’ll live.”

    She goes back to texting, unaware of their confused looks. ‘ Alright, Musume, we’ll see you at six. 

    “Why are you annoyed, darling?” Kizano asks, and he looks upset when Ayano finally looks up.

    ‘ Because I have to act happy around Musume,’ Ayano thinks, but she doesn’t feel like a Tuesday morning is the best time to get into the whole Musume-Kokona-no emotions talk. Especially without Kokona around. She’s not telling this without Kokona’s permission, it’s not just her secret in this conversation.

    So, instead, Ayano says, “Because I don’t get to walk home with you guys today.”

    And just like that, all three of them are blushing. Ayano smiles, the day a little bit better now. They all try to brush off the comment, but in the end all three just give up, hugging Ayano tightly before continuing on their way to Akademi.

    Ayano forgets to check the other message, too distracted by her friends.

    They spend the morning at the fountain with Kokona, who talks about her night- which was, for once, stress free. Kokona mentions that she quit her ‘job,’ and Ayano beams.

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