Week Eleven, Friday

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Week Eleven, Friday

    When Ayano wakes up, she’s happy. For once, there’s no real goal in mind for the day. She’s not heading to any of her clubs today, she’s not matchmaking anyone right now, it’s just an easy day. A break in her routine, but a pleasant, simple one. Today, Ayano plans to do nothing but enjoy as much time as she can with friends...excluding her morning work in the Student Council, of course.

    But even that changes the moment she steps out of her house. Right after she greets the eight boys that stole her heart, her phone buzzes in her pocket. Intrigued, Ayano opens up the message.

    It’s the Student Council chat. Surprisingly, Megamo is now in it. Ayano wonders when he was added.

    Kuroko: Ayano, we’ve been made aware that you finished organizing the filing cabinet. As thanks, we’ve decided that you do not need to come in today at all. Enjoy your morning.

    Ayano looks up at Megamo, and he smiles at her. “I thought you’d like to just relax for a day, Angel,” Megamo says.

    “Thank you.” Ayano smiles back, then hums quietly to herself as she thinks. What should she do? She isn’t really sure what to do for the day, she’s been busy during most of her free time each day.

    Oko smiles at her. “Would you...would you like to join me in my club for the morning?” He blushes, grabbing onto his choker. “I found a few books that you may like…”

    Ayano nods without hesitation. “Sure! It’s been a while since I went to your club.”

    The rest of the walk is filled with chatter as the rest of the group wakes up, everyone talking about their plans for the weekend. 

    It’s when they’re a few minutes away from the gate that Osano asks, “Hey, Aya, aren’t your parents coming back soon?”

    Ayano nods, her smile dropping. “Yeah. They should be home this weekend. I’m not sure when exactly, though.”

    Aso frowns. “Yan, are you going to be ditching them to see my competition? Because you don’t have to, I understand if you want to spend time with them!”

    Ayano shakes her head. “Aso, I’m coming to your competition. My parents and I don’t spend time together. We never really have.”

    Aso looks even more upset by that, and he glares at her words. “Well, they’re missing out! You’re wonderful, Yan.”

    Ayano blushes. “It’s fine, really. It’s always been like this.”

    Osano scoffs. “That still doesn’t mean it’s right, Aya. Don’t worry, my parents already love you. They’d be happy to spend time with you.”

    “I’m sure my family would love to meet you, dear,” Amao adds. “You should come over again sometime soon.”

    “I will, don’t worry,” Ayano says, trying to keep up with the conversation’s sudden turn. “Thank you, guys. Really.” 

    Because, despite being used to it, Ayano still hopes for more family, for more love. She’ll take all that she can get.

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