Week Eleven, Tuesday

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Week Eleven, Tuesday

    Ayano wakes up to her alarm screaming at her, the annoying beeps forcing her out of her sleep. It’s enough to get her up in a thoughtless haze in order to silence her phone. 

    However, that haze doesn’t last very long, because as soon as Ayano sees her choker, she finds herself becoming a blushing mess. She still hasn’t come to terms with the fact that she’s been in love for weeks.

    It’s odd, Ayano realizes this as she gets dressed. It’s odd that she fell in love, that she’s in love with multiple people , and she hasn’t tried to hurt anyone. She hasn’t gone crazy with jealousy, she hasn’t obsessed over any of her friends, and she hasn’t tried to, well, eliminate anyone who might be a ‘threat’ to her love.

    She’s odd.

    She’s normal.

    Ayano smiles at her reflection in the mirror as she pulls up her hair, because she can see her eyes. She remembers, weeks ago, she always seemed so lifeless and dull. But now there’s a spark, there’s life. She never really noticed when it appeared in her eyes, but she has no doubt that it’s thanks to her friends. 

    She feels special. Somewhere between odd and normal, somewhere that is just for her. Because she’s nothing the world has ever seen before. She’s an Aishi who broke the pattern, who learned to love slowly, who learned to love more than just one person.

    An Aishi that didn’t feel the need to make others suffer so that she could take and take and never give.

    Ayano feels proud, knowing that she’s fallen in love without ever becoming her mother.

    And speak of the devil, Ayano’s phone begins to ring. Ayano feels her smile slip, her happiness fading as she picks up the call.

    “Hello, mother,” Ayano says, grabbing her bag and moving it next to the door. 

    “Hi, dearie!” Her mother is even happier now, her voice high pitched and bubbly and wrong. “We just wanted to check in on you one last time! We’ll be coming home this weekend, I hope that the house isn’t a mess.”

    “It’s cleaner than ever, mother.” After all, it’s hard to make a mess when nobody really lives in it for eleven weeks.

    “That’s wonderful. And your grades are still high?” 

    “Of course, mother.” Ayano wonders how long her mother will wait before asking-

    “And have you met any cute boys?” Her mother giggles.

    Here, Ayano pauses. Because she has, and she’s fallen in love with eight boys...and what then? If she says yes, her mother will expect her to do anything to have them, even if they don’t want her.

    And Ayano doesn’t think that her friends are in love with her.

    So, holding back a sigh, Ayano says, “No, mother.”

    Her mother sighs for her. “That’s a pity, dearie, but don’t give up hope yet! I’m sure you’ll start feeling soon.”

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