Week Two, Tuesday

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Week Two, Tuesday

    When Ayano and Osano reach school, he lets go of her hand and waits for her to say goodbye.

    She doesn’t.

    “You’re not busy today?” Osano asks, confused.

    “Nope. I’ll continue tomorrow, and probably Thursday, too, but today I’m free.”

    Osano smiles, and while they wait for Taro, he tells her about how, “Mrs. Fuka clearly hates me! She has a math test planned for Friday! Friday! It’s the second week of school, thank you very much.”

    Taro isn’t surprised to hear Osano complaining first thing in the morning. “Math test?” He asks.

    Osano scoffs and mutters about changing his shoes, stomping away. Ayano and Taro follow, and soon all three are sitting at the fountain.

    Taro pulls out a book and starts to read, and Osano huffs.

    “He always does this! Pulls out a book and ignores me,” Osano complains to Ayano. “I might as well not be here, he wouldn’t even notice.”

    “Yes I would, Osano,” Taro says, flipping a page.

    “It’s like talking to a wall!” Osano continues, leaning onto Ayano.


    Osano glares at her. “Wow. You’re no fun.” He stands and holds out his hand. “Come on.”

    Ayano lets him pull her up. “Where are we going?”

    “I don’t know, somewhere. Not like Taro will notice.”

    Taro doesn’t look up. “Have fun, you two. I’ll see you at lunch.”

    Osano drags Ayano away.

    They end up on the roof, leaning over the railing as they look at the cherry tree.

    “It’s nice up here. Peaceful,” Osano says at last. Ayano nods.

    “Look, there are already people in the gardens.” Ayano points to the main area that the Gardening Club tends to.

    “They’re always there this early. I bet that they care more about gardening than school, to be honest.”

    “A lot of people probably care about their clubs more than school. As long as they do their work, though, there’s nothing wrong with it.”

    “I never said there was.”

    “I know.”

    Osano gains a thoughtful look. “Hey, Taro really likes nature. Usually, when he’s reading, he likes to go outside and find somewhere nice to sit. Half the time when I’m looking for him, he’s reading at the park.”


    “Do you think he’d enjoy the Gardening Club?”

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