Week Two, Saturday

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Week Two, Saturday

    Ayano is awoken by the chaos that is Kokona Haruka on show day.

    Kokona is rifling through her bag, muttering to herself as she throws stuff behind her. After five minutes, Ayano’s floor is covered in different types of makeup and hair tools. She didn’t even know that there were so many products...or how Kokona got so much into her bag.

    “Kokona? Are you okay?” Ayano asks, watching Kokona from the bed.

    “Oh, Yan! Did I wake you?” Kokona looks remorseful, but continues to empty her bag. “I wanted to get everything ready right away! We perform at six, but we need to be there by four-thirty, so after lunch we’re getting straight to makeup.”

    Ayano nods. “I’ll go make breakfast.”

    “Thank you, Yan!” Kokona is organizing everything that she’s chucked out of her bag as Ayano leaves her room.

    Twenty minutes later, the two are eating in the kitchen. Kokona glances at the time.

    “It’s still too early,” Kokona whines out. “I always hate having to wait.”

Ayano looks at Kokona oddly. “Then why get up so early?”

“As if I could stay asleep if I tried! Come on, let’s go find something for you to wear!”

“We already have my costumes picked out, though?” Ayano follows Kokona despite her question, of course.

“No, for when you arrive and leave, silly!”

“Can’t I just grab something?”

Kokona gasps, appalled. “Yan! You are about to become a star to this school! If you just walk off in any old outfit, you’re not going to stun them like you rightfully should!”

Ayano sighs. “Alright, then tell me what I should wear.” Ayano opens her dresser, and is quickly pushed aside by Kokona.

While Kokona rummages through all of Ayano’s clothes, creating outfits out of the minimal casual clothes Ayano has, her phone buzzes.

Ayano picks it up. She has a text from Amao.

 Baking has begun! We’re all getting ready for your debut tonight, dear! ’ An image is attached, showing all of the Cooking Club members hard at work, some covered in flour while some are smiling at the camera. Osano is waving to the camera, which makes Ayano smile.

 Can’t wait to see all of you there. ’ Ayano types, then hits send. She sets down the phone as Kokona squeals in excitement.

“Yan, put this on!” Kokona demands, shoving a pile of clothes into Ayano’s lap.

Ayano, admittedly, looks great in the black skirt and burgundy top. Kokona nods in approval when Ayano shows her, and then proceeds to ramble about anything that relates to their performance.

“Did I tell you about my first performance?” Kokona asks at one point. Ayano shakes her head no. “It was crazy! I had started drama last year, and Kizano was already the club leader. And at first, I didn’t like that a first year was trying to tell me what to do, so I decided, on stage, that I was going to change the last scene to make me look better than his character.”

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