Week Eight, Monday

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Week Eight, Monday

    When Ayano wakes up on Monday morning, she feels alright. Not happy, but not scared. It’s a good middle ground, and Ayano will take what she can get. It’s better than being terrified all day.

    Ayano goes through the motions of her morning routine, and opens the door to the sight of the five boys talking, all of them smiling. It’s enough to make Ayano smile, and the walk to school is better than alright.

    When Ayano arrives at the school, she veers away from the group and heads to the Student Council room like usual. Routine changes as soon as she steps inside of the room.

    The moment she opens the door, Ayano is greeted by all four girls.

    “Would you please take a seat, Ayano? This will only take a few minutes.” Kuroko gestures to the remaining spot.

    “Sure.” Ayano sits, confused.

    “You’ve made a lot of progress on your tasks so far, and I’m glad to see how focused you’ve been on all of this,” Kuroko gestures towards the filing cabinet, and Ayano nods slowly, “but for the next few weeks, you’re going to be working on something else.”

    “I am? What is it?” Ayano wonders about her new task, something important enough that she has to postpone her work for weeks .

    Akane clears her throat. “Perhaps we should let Ms. Kunahito explain. This is her task that she’s assigning, after all.” Akane smiles at the rest of the girls, and Kuroko nods.

    “Yes, that does make sense. Ayano, please head to the Guidance Counselor’s Office, she will explain everything when you get there.”

    Ayano nods and stands back up, grabbing her bag. “Alright. Should I still report here, or wait until my task is finished?”

    Kuroko shrugs. “I don’t think you need to report here for the time being, but if details change, one of us will inform you.”

    With that, Ayano heads to the Guidance Counselor’s Office, curious about this mysterious assignment. She knocks on the office door, and is quickly greeted with a, “Please, come on in.”

    When Ayano opens the door, the counselor smiles up at her, looking away from her computer. Ayano notes that it’s a professional smile. “Ah, you must be Ayano. Take a seat, please.”

    Ayano sits down in one of the chairs in the room, and Ms. Kunahito moves to sit on the couch across from her. “Ms. Kunahito, I’ve been told that you have a task for me, relating to the Student Council. What is it?”

    Ms. Kunahito’s smile takes on a more somber tone, and she clears her throat. “Yes, let me explain. I’m sure that you are aware of the delinquents in the school, correct?” Ayano nods. “Did you know that they have a leader?”

    Ayano nods again. “His name is Osorō Shidesu, right?”

    Ms. Kunahito blinks at the response, pausing. “You’re new this year, aren’t you?” She asks.


    “Then how did you know about Osorō? He’s been suspended for the past seven weeks.”

    “Oh. I ran into him a few weeks ago. He seemed nice.” Ayano shrugs.

    Ms. Kunahito looks baffled. “Nice? Alright, this may make your task easier, then.” She sighs, taking off her glasses to rub at her eyes. When she puts them back on, she locks eyes with Ayano. “Your task is Osorō.”

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