Week Nine, Wednesday

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Week Nine, Wednesday

    Ayano’s morning routine goes by in a blur. Honestly, Ayano doesn’t know where the extra energy is coming from, or why she’s racing through every minute. She doesn’t know why she fumbles with her bowtie five times, why she nearly forgets her choker, and why she almost plugs in her phone and leaves it before exiting her house.

    That’s a lie, of course she knows. 

    Ayano plows through her routine to pretend she hadn’t dreamt of her mother. She rushes so she can ignore the disappointed look her mother had given her, the way her mother frowned at what Ayano’s become.

    At her normality. At her average, simple, happy life.

    At her.

    Ayano pushes through the idea, pushes away the knowledge that Ryoba Aishi wanted a daughter that would kill for love, one that would die for love, one that would go insane because of love. 

    Ayano pushes past the fact that Ryoba Aishi would’ve wanted a child like Otohiko, because she can’t breathe when she focuses on it.

    As a result, Ayano is outside of her house before anyone arrives. And why would they be early? Ayano has always kept a routine, always stepped outside at the same time every single day. She’s predictable, simple.

    She tries to ignore that her mother would chide her for being so obvious, for never straying from her routines, or worse, praise her because it gives her an alibi when she’s suspected of a crime that she’s expected to commit.

    Ayano can’t breathe. She can’t breathe, and so she walks to school alone. Almost an afterthought, she remembers to send a text to the group chat. 

    Ayano: Already on my way to school, so don’t worry about heading over.

    She puts the phone back in her pocket. She can hear the buzzing. She can’t grab it, can’t breathe. 

    Ayano steps past the gate, onto the school grounds. She keeps moving, she has to keep moving.

    She’s breaking routine, she’s changing. 

    She isn’t sure how her mother would feel. She hates to think about it. She pushes the thoughts away.

    Ayano doesn’t know where to go. She’s used to routine, and the minor day to day changes she makes aren’t options at the moment. There’s no club to go to, she’s the only student here.

    But the faculty is here.

    Ayano changes her path, her body going to the Nurse’s Office. She can’t breathe, she goes faster.

    She reaches the room but the door is closed. Ayano knocks, but it sounds more like a banging noise, like she’s slamming her hand on the door, like she’s punching it, like she’s trying to hurt -

    The door opens, and Mujo looks concerned.

    “Ayano, are you alright?”

    Ayano does something no Aishi woman has done. 

    She cries.

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