Week Ten, Monday

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Week Ten, Monday

    Ayano is in a wonderful mood when she wakes up. Perhaps it’s due to her weekend, perhaps it’s just a sign of a good day to come.

    Ayano isn’t sure, but she takes her happiness without hesitation, getting ready for the day as she recalls what she’s done over the past two days.

    On Saturday, Ayano ran into Oko in the market, again, and they ended up going to Oko’s beloved Occult shop. The shop that he frequented so much, the owner herself came out of her office and offered him a job. Oko, bewildered, had taken a whole minute to snap out of his daze and accept the offer. The two left the shop without any purchases, but Oko had a bag with his uniform and the store’s handbook.

    Sunday was quickly taken over by Kizano, who called for the club to rehearse at his house, since both of his parents were gone for the day. The group spent the day going through all three plays, perfecting their lines even more. By the end of it, Ayano had the rest of her club members’ phone numbers.

    Ayano smiles, grabbing her bag. She’s always happy to spend more time with friends, and is just as glad to let new people into her closer circles. It’s nice to see her club friends more and learn more about them.

    It’s normal .

    Exiting her house, Ayano smiles when she sees the seven boys waiting for her. Osorō rolls his eyes at Ayano’s excitement, but he smiles back anyways.

    “Hey, guys,” Ayano greets as she locks her door. “Hanakō, where’s Taro?”

    Hanakō giggles. “He’s with Uekiya .”

    Ayano nods. “That’s good. They’re cute together, I’m happy for them.”

    Osano snorts. “I still can’t believe Uekiya had to confess...actually yeah, yeah I can.”

    Amao shrugs. “I think it’s cute. I’m glad Taro isn’t the type to be upset by being the one asked out. I’ve seen guys who’ve been upset over that. It’s kind of sad.”

    “Taro isn’t like that,” Osano says immediately. “It’s a good thing he found a girl who’s okay with taking charge.”

    “Pippi asked Ryuto out, too, right?” Aso asks.

    “Yeah. She was rather blunt, got past his obliviousness,” Ayano confirms.

    Hanakō giggles. “That’s adorable...who are they?”

    “Just the two most naïve gamers to ever fall in love,” Kizano replies.

    “And two of the most oblivious people in Akademi High. Only one person manages to surpass them,” Osano adds, rolling his eyes.

    “Who surpasses them?” Ayano asks.

    She isn’t sure why the boys all start laughing, but she enjoys the sound anyways. She’s glad that they’re happy, at the very least.

    When they get to school, Ayano turns to Osorō with a smile. “Ready to learn?”

    Osorō snorts. “Am I ever?”

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