Week Eleven, Monday

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Week Eleven, Monday


    When Ayano wakes up, she’s still smiling from her weekend. Sunday had been wonderful, spent with a few of her friends. While the plan had been for Aso and Ayano to hang out, since his parents’ anniversary was yesterday, a few others had come over, looking for friends to hang out with. By the end of the day, Ayano was making a cake with Aso, Amao, Oko, and Musume, who finally had a weekend without therapy appointments.

    “My therapist thinks I’ve made a lot of progress,” Musume had explained as she stepped in. “He thinks I should spend more time with friends.”

    The cake had been beautiful, and Ayano was almost sad that she wouldn’t get to taste it. But she told Aso to wish his parents another wonderful year, and he had walked out with the cake with a huge grin. The other three had left one by one as the hours passed, and soon enough Ayano was heading to bed.

    Ayano gets ready for another week of school, humming quietly as she puts on her choker and pulls up her hair. Finally, she’s ready, and she steps out of her house with a smile on her face. The usual seven boys are waiting for her, along with Taro and Uekiya. They all greet her happily, and she does the same as she locks her house up. Then they all start walking to school.

    A few minutes into their walk, Osano looks at Ayano oddly. “Hey, Aya?”

    “What is it, Osano?” She asks in response.

    “You have Megamo’s number, right?”

    She nods. “Of course. Do you need it?” She doesn’t know why, but doesn’t ask.

    “Yeah.” He’s blushing, and he looks away from her. Ayano notices that the rest of the group, except for Taro and Uekiya, are watching him. Perhaps they know why he’s asking.

    “Alright, here.” She sends his number to Osano, and Osano thanks her before beginning to text, fingers flying over the screen.

    The walk continues in partial silence, and Ayano watches as the other boys pull out their phones one by one, until the only people talking are Taro and Uekiya. Slowly, Ayano joins their conversation about how people are still taking roses off of the bushes, promising to do something.

    She reaches the gate, and a conclusion on why Osano wanted the number, at the same time. And the realization fills her with joy.

    Osano clearly wants to befriend Megamo better. The other boys must’ve been the same, and they were all texting Megamo in a new chat to get to know him better.

    Ayano is glad that all of her friends get along so well, and is so happy that she doesn’t wonder why they didn’t just have her add him to the Ayano Protection Squad. Instead, she just heads up to the Student Council room, as happy as she can possibly be. 

    When she steps into the room, she’s greeted with the sight of a very smug Shiromi and a very red faced Megamo who keeps glancing at his phone. 

    “Hi?” Ayano greets as she closes the door behind her. “What’s up?”

    Shiromi smirks and stands, moving away from the table. “Nothing. Megamo and I were just having a little talk, but I’m heading out now. Gotta patrol, you know?” 

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