Week Three, Sunday

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Week Three, Sunday

    Ayano wakes up and is greeted by the smell of roses. She feels content as she looks at the bouquets in their vases, sitting on her dresser as a reminder of the night before. 

    After a moment, Ayano finally gets up and eats breakfast. She cleans up her house a bit, filling the time until Amao texts her.

    When her phone buzzes, she’s surprised to see a text from Osano.

    ‘ Hanakō has officially done the impossible… ’ The text says. 

    Confused, Ayano texts back, ‘ What do you mean? 

    An image is sent in return. A boy is blushing in embarrassment, refusing to look at the camera. He looks like Taro, but younger, shorter, and he wears a little heart barrette in his hair. ‘ He burned water. ’ comes with the image.

    ‘ How do you burn water? ’ Ayano isn’t quite sure how that’s possible.

    ‘ I’m not really sure, and I watched him do it. ’ 

    Ayano chuckles, then feels her phone buzz. It’s from Amao.

    ‘ On my way! <3 

    ‘ Okay, see you soon. ’ Ayano switches back to her conversation with Osano.

    ‘ I have to go, Amao is on his way. 

    Osano replies immediately. ‘ Booo. Ditch him for us! :( 

    Ayano laughs, the sound feels louder in her silent house. ‘ I’ll hang out with you guys some other time. Have fun, Osano. 

    ‘ You too, Aya. 

    Ayano sets down her phone and heads back to her kitchen. She knows that, considering a baker/cook is coming to her house, she should probably try to make them something nice, but…

    When Amao knocks on the door, the instant ramen is almost done.

    “Come in,” Ayano calls as she pulls out two bowls. “The door is unlocked.”

    Amao opens the door and locks it behind him. “It’s not safe to leave a door unlocked, dear! Anyone could get in!”

    Ayano shrugs and pours ramen into the bowls. “Lunch is ready.”

    Amao laughs when he sees their meal. “Instant ramen?”

    “I was feeling lazy.”

    Amao just shrugs and pulls out a small container with three different sweets, two of each in the container. “I brought dessert! It’s the treats I made for the episode.”

    The two continue to talk as they eat, and Amao tells Ayano some stories about Akademi from his first year. After a while, they sit down in front of the TV, and the episode begins.

    It’s just like any typical baking show, and this episode is all teens competing. When Amao is introduced, Ayano sees him smile proudly beside her. She chuckles. 

    The episode goes through three rounds, with the teens getting progressively less time to make their treats with each round. It goes from two hours, to one, to only half an hour. Amao bakes three simple, yet wonderfully done, treats. He goes with a theme, red velvet, just like everyone else had to do for the episode. He starts with a red velvet cake, then cupcakes, and finally creates the red velvet cookies that he had given Ayano on the first day they met. As the Amao on screen shows off his finished products, Amao and Ayano eat the treats together. Ayano can easily see how Amao won. The other two contestants had chosen flavors that didn’t work well in all three situations, trying to be too bold. Amao had the perfect chance to win the episode.

    When the episode ends and commercials take over, Ayano smiles at Amao. “You were great! I enjoyed watching this with you.”

    Amao blushes and smiles. “Thank you. I’m glad that you enjoyed it.” Sighing, he looks at the time and stands. “I have to go run some errands...I’ll see you Monday, dear.” He kisses her on the forehead again, then walks out of the house, empty container in hand.

    Ayano turns off the TV and heads to her room. She gets ready for the next week of school in a daze, thinking of forehead kisses and held hands. Her head feels warm the rest of the day.


Sorry that the chapter is shorter than usual! I didn't want to force it to be longer by shoving in extra words, so here we are.

Nevertheless, the next chapter will be longer than this, and the rest of the week should be normal. (Shorter chapters may just be a weekend thing, honestly...)

720 words.

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