Week Eight, Tuesday

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Week Eight, Tuesday

    Ayano wakes up to a text from Kuroko. She blinks at the notification, having forgotten that she exchanged numbers with the other Student Council girls after the Otohiko incident. Yawning, Ayano opens up the message.

    It’s sent in a chat that’s named, ‘Student Council.’ 

    ‘ Seems fitting, ’ Ayano decides, and she notices that Megamo isn’t in the group chat. She resolves to ask about that later.

    For now, Ayano reads Kuroko’s message.

    Kuroko: Ayano, please report to the Student Council room before meeting up with Osorō. 

    There’s no other texts, so Ayano quickly sends a response, agreeing to go to the room when she gets to school, then sets her phone down. Ayano proceeds to go through her daily routine, putting on her uniform, readjusting her choker, grabbing her stuff and walking out of the door.

    Kokona, Riku, Taro, and Uekiya are waiting with the normal group when Ayano steps outside. She smiles at them, and they smile back. Ayano locks her door, and then the group starts their trip to the school.

    “So, Taro, how’s Hanakō doing?” Amao asks. “He must be nervous, waiting for his results.”

    Taro chuckles. “Yeah, he’s a wreck right now. Luckily, he only has to wait until Friday to see if he got in or not.”

    “I’m sure your brother got in. He has nothing to worry about,” Ayano says. 

    “We should do something to celebrate on Saturday,” Osano blurts. “It’ll be a good way for him to meet some kids from Akademi, too!”

    “Ooh, yeah! Let’s throw him a party or something!” Kokona agrees, clasping her hands together. “I love parties! Or we can all go get ice cream together!”

    Taro thinks it over, then nods. “I like that. Let’s go for ice cream, though. That won’t make a mess like a party would.”

    “Everyone’s free on Saturday?” Ayano asks, and everyone nods. “Perfect. Then it’s settled.”

    The rest of the walk is filled with conversation, most of the group excited to finally meet Taro’s little brother. Osano and Ayano just laugh together, amused.

    When they get to the school, Ayano heads up to the Council room. She opens the door.

    The sight of the two policemen makes her gasp. 

    ‘ What are they doing here? ’ Ayano thinks, then the thought strikes her, and she blurts out, “Is he out? Did he escape?” Worried, Ayano reaches into her pocket, fingers closing around her can of pepper spray.

    “No, miss.” One of the policemen holds his hands up, trying to calm her down. Ayano focuses on him, trying not to panic. “He’s still locked away. We’re not bringing bad news. This is good, trust me.”

    “Okay.” Slowly, Ayano releases the pepper spray, pulling her hand out of her pocket and clutching onto her choker instead.

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