Week Ten, Wednesday

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Week Ten, Wednesday

    Ayano rolls out of bed in the morning as soon as her alarm goes off. Literally rolls out of bed, because change is good and Ayano decided it would be fun.

    Ayano no longer trusts her first thought of the morning. Laying on the floor, a dull pain coursing through her body, is the opposite of fun. Ayano grunts and pushes herself up, ignoring the slight ache in her arms...and legs...and everywhere else. 

    Ayano needs to wait until she’s had a second thought in the morning. Maybe a third, actually.

    Her limbs are still slightly sore when she’s walking out of her house, ready for the day. The usual six boys are waiting for her, and so is Kokona, who’s excitedly talking to Kizano about their upcoming performance, which is only a few days away. 

    “Hey guys,” Ayano says, just like always, because change is not fun. “Kokona, where’s Riku?”

    Kokona shrugs, still smiling. “He wasn’t up until I was already leaving, he said he’ll meet me at school. You ready for the play, Yan?”

    Ayano shrugs back, returning a grin as well. “I’m more ready than ever before. All of my lines are memorized and I’m excited.”

    Kokona cheers, then dives right back into her conversation with Kizano, changing the topic to the props they need for each scene. Ayano tries to listen to the conversation, but is quickly distracted by Osano and Amao, who each take one of her hands.

    “Hey, Aya?” Osano starts, looking at her. “Want to cook with us before class? I know you’ll have to miss lunch, then, but we’re going to be making blueberry muffins.”

    Ayano is a simple soul. 

    “Of course I do, Osano,” Ayano responds without hesitation. She turns her head to look at Kokona. “Kokona, want to bake muffins with us?”

    Kokona nods. “Sure!”

    Amao smiles down at Ayano. “You can invite Osorō, too, dear.”

    Ayano giggles and lets go of Amao’s hand in order to text the delinquent. He quickly agrees to join.

    Slipping her hand back into Amao’s, Ayano knows that today will be great.

    When they get to school, Riku is already at the gate. He’s rubbing at his eyes, still waking up, but he beams and blushes as soon as he spots his girlfriend. Ayano watches them talk for a few minutes, then Kokona remembers Ayano, Osano, and Amao.

    “Riku, I’m going to the Cooking Club today. Want to join us?” Kokona asks

    Riku pauses for a second, but ends up shaking his head. “Thanks, but I’m actually going to hang out with the Gaming Club. Ryuto has been telling me about some new game, and I promised to play it with him today.”

    Kokona smiles. “Okay, I’ll see you at lunch!” Then she turns and leads the other three into the Cooking Club room, where Osorō is leaning against the counter, waiting for them. Saki walks into the club room, but she lets out a little yelp and backs out as soon as she spots the blonde. Osorō just snorts and turns to the four.

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