Week Seven, Wednesday

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Week Seven, Wednesday

    Ayano wakes up before her alarm today, but only by three minutes. She sighs, turning the alarm off, and gets out of her bed. Her morning routine goes as usual, and Ayano forgets about her dream by the time she opens the door.

    Her phone buzzes in the middle of her conversation with Oko. Ayano waits for their conversation to finish, then checks her phone with one hand, the other one occupied by Kizano’s.

    Ayano is surprised to see that it’s a text from Musume. Intrigued, she clicks on it.

    ‘ Hey...I just, like, wanted to thank you for letting me vent yesterday. It helped, like, a lot. 

    Ayano smiles at the text. It’s not what she’d expected, but to be fair, it seems that Musume is set on trying to change.

    ‘ Of course. It’s what friends do. ’ Ayano sends the text, then gets wrapped into a conversation with all of the boys that lasts the rest of the walk to school.

    When Ayano gets to school, she waves at her quickly dispersing group, then turns to go to the Student Council room.

    She’s quickly distracted by the sight of Mujo and Mido.

    Honestly, Ayano is amused by the way Mido struggles to flirt with Mujo. It’s such a change from the always smooth, flirtatious teacher that she sees in class. The most bizarre thing, of course, is watching Mido resort to pickup lines...which Mujo doesn’t catch on to.

    “Hey, I’m Mr. Right. I heard you’ve been looking for me,” Mido says, leaning against the wall.

    Mujo just raises an eyebrow. “I thought you were Mido Rana? Oh my, have I messed up your name?”

    Mido just blushes, and coughs awkwardly. “No, you’re right.”

    “I thought you just said you’re Right?”

    Mido looks ready to pass out, and chuckles nervously. “Ah, um, how many letters are in the alphabet?”

    Mujo looks concerned. “Twenty-six…”

    “Really? I thought there were twenty-one?”

    Mujo grabs Mido by the arm, and Ayano nearly laughs at her teacher’s fully red face. “Are you okay? Are you running a fever?”

    Mido, the poor soul, just tries to persevere. “Oh! I forgot about U R A Q T.”

    Mujo frowns. “How could you forget those five letters? They’re all used a lot. Well, maybe not ‘q’, but the others are common! Here, come into my office. I’ll take your temperature. I think you’re a bit sick. Do you need me to call in for a substitute teacher?”

    Mido shakes his head as Mujo drags him into the office. Ayano follows them slowly, unwilling to leave. 

    Mido tries a third time. “Did you know I’m writing a phone book? Can I get your number for it?”

    Mujo stops. “Who uses a phone book anymore?!”

    Ayano can’t help but laugh. Immediately, both men turn to look at her. Mido is scarlet, and Mujo is, well, as lost as always.

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