Week Nine, Monday

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Week Nine, Monday

    Ayano is ready for the day from the moment she wakes, a plan for her schedule in mind. Running through it as she gets dressed, Ayano feels confident. 

    She has to be, or she won’t be able to get everything done.

    When Ayano steps out of her house at last, Hanakō, Taro, and Uekiya are all present. Ayano smiles and greets them, and they return the sentiment. The walk to school is pleasant, and Ayano makes sure to slip into a one-on-one conversation with Uekiya about flower meanings, asking as many questions as possible to keep the club leader’s attention.

    Stepping on school grounds, Ayano makes sure to keep talking. Luckily, Uekiya loves the sudden interest, and doesn’t notice when Taro drops away, heading to the fountain with Hanakō. Aso waves and jogs ahead, and the rest of the group goes to their clubs. Finally, Ayano and Uekiya are alone, heading for the Gardens. 

    As they continue their path, Ayano transitions into talking about the Gardening Club, and more specifically, the members. 

    “Oh, they’re all wonderful,” Uekiya says, still smiling happily.

    “Even Taro?” Ayano asks.

    She doesn’t miss how Uekiya’s smile grows, and her cheeks take on a light pink tone.

    “Well, of course. Taro’s very sweet, and always gets along with all of the other members. I’m glad that he decided to join my club, he makes it brighter.” Uekiya looks at Ayano suddenly. “Oh! You’re supposed to be tutoring Osorō right now, aren’t you?”

    Ayano nods. “Yes. I’ll see you later, Uekiya.”

    “Bye, Ayano!” Uekiya heads into her club, humming a soft tune as she walks away.

    Ayano turns and heads over to the incinerator, where Osorō is already waiting for her.

    “Hey, princess. Took you longer than usual.” Osorō slips an arm over her shoulders as they head for the confession tree.

    “Sorry. I was busy with all of my love affairs,” Ayano responds nonchalantly. “What subject do you want to work on?”

    Osorō coughs, face turning red. “Your love affairs ?!”

    Ayano nods, confused by his reaction. “Yes. I’m helping a friend with his crush.”

    Osorō pauses, then laughs. Ayano enjoys the sound.

    They’re at the tree before Osorō calms down enough to speak. Looking down at her, Osorō says, “Princess, call it anything else. ‘Love affairs’ is another way of saying that you’re cheating on someone.”

    Ayano blinks. “Oh.” She blinks again. “I’m single, though.”

    Osorō smirks and sits down. “I know. Come on, princess. Let’s work on some more science. I’m startin’ to get the hang of it.”

    The rest of the morning is spent talking about the properties of different elements. Osorō does well, able to pick up the subject as quickly as Ayano explains it.

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