chapter 1. pink thread.

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She was the only child of her mother, all her mom wants from her, is for her to finish her education.

She wanted to study medicine but her mom had no money to train her.
She decided to change her mind " course". She chose to study " therapeutic" she tends to be a " therapist".

Her mom was the only one training her because, she was a mistress to a man named " Victor Bali" the man already had a family, so he warned her not to come close to his house.

This secret was kept from her daughter,"Sarah"

She raised her alone without a father. When she was about  going into the University. Her mom Sat her down and advise her to finish her education and she should think of where she is going and where she's coming from ( her background).

She agreed to what her mom said, her advice and counseling.

At night, she was cooking " rice and veggies.
She slept off, before she realized that, she was cooking. the food has burn to ashes. She trash it.

It was her first day at school. She had no friend, she was all alone in her hostile.

As time goes on, she decided to make friends with a guy " Johnson" she was preparing for her first semester but a young lady approached her that, she needed money for her daughter's treatment.

The money that was with her, she led it to the young lady. Which was her semester fee.

The next morning at school,
She was left with no money. So, she was sitting down at the road that link to the school hostile.

Johnson walked in, and saw her, he sat with her. He was talking about his life and how he became a student..

His parents died, when he was 6 years old and he had no family to count on. He struggle harder to pay and buy his School textbooks.

When, she heard the story of " Johnson" she felt for him....

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