06. First decease.

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A day to her marriage arrangement.

Sarah fainted and she was rushed to the hospital for a check up.

The doc.. couldn't run a test
Till the following day....

Mike asked the doc
What is wrong with my girlfriend?

He tested her, he couldn't
Tell him the results immediately. After some few minutes.

The doc, brought out the results, it shows that, she has a breast cancer.
When she heard the news she was hurt.

The test show that, too much of drinking alcohol and smoking cause the breast cancer.
And at of the moment, there's no solution but to go for an operation.

She needed money for an operation, so she decided to call her friends but none of them were picking. Her boyfriend left her and cut off the wedding.

She tries calling them, the next morning but they were not answering or responding to her text.

The next evening, she went to a nearby hospital to mixed some drugs and she went back home
Before she took the drugs and gave up the ghost. she wrote a letter..

Fatty's Dad will was about to be read...
And according to the will. What the man ask the lawyer to write down, it was stated that, mr.victor abali had an illegitimate child with another woman and both of them should run the company.(: the illegitimate child and fatty should take care of the company). whose identity is not mentioned. Mom what's going on
here? What's the lawyer talking about, did have a sister, who's she? Too many questions at the same time, how will she answered you ❓ the lawyer ask!
       I'm not ok... Mom.

She didn't know that, her dad had an illegitimate child with another woman but her mom was aware.

She kept this secret from her daughter fatty.

But the address was written, where they can locate her, she snapped the location from the file the lawyer was holding.

When, she got to the location she saw a woman, she showed a picture of Sarah to her.

Excuse me ma'am, do you know this a girl on this photo? Fatty ask!

Yes, I do....
She is my daughter Sarah.

How did you get the picture?

She is my roommate, we went to the same school.

You mean, the girl in this photo is your daughter?

Yes, I gave birth to her.
What brought you here? I'm finished.

10 years ago, something happened between you and my dad and you gave birth to a child but I never knew, Sarah was the child. My dad passed away two weeks ago.

His Will was announced, and your name was mentioned and the address was written in the will.

It was all in the past, I still survive with my daughter.

Sarah is my half sister and I refuse to help her with the money that she needed for her operation.

What are you talking about? Mama ask 🥺

Your daughter had a breast cancer and she can die any moment from now.

It can't be, my Sarah had a breast cancer?
It can't be, you are mistaken her for someone else. Mama repeatedly said!

No mam...

Let go before she do something crazy to herself.

I never knew, this was going to happen I would have helped her when she asked for my help.
When she needed me most.

Before, they get there, they find her dead. she took the drugs that she bought the other day.

It's too late to save Sarah.

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