01. school.

3 2 4

It was during the evening.
She had lectures...

On her way to her hostile.
A young girl approached her "fatty and rose her friend came with Betty" she wanted to pass but they pushed her back.

They ask her. 
Who're you in this campus?

She said;

I'm new here, my name is " Sarah"

We heard that, you gave money to a lady. So, you are the good Shepherd?


What are you guys talking about?
Is my money, can't I help ?

You can..
Be the good guy.....

We're actually, here for you...
We want you to join our group

I'm* fatty* the group lader
I will help you with everything you want, I can see you are hurting inside because, you have no money.

I'm not interested...

See who's talking?

We know you are interested, stop pretending.

Don't walk away, you will still Walk back to us....

I will only accept your offer because, I have no other chance.

We said it before;

She treats  us like a family, ever since we join this group. We lack nothing and we have everything.

Said " Betty"

Sarah was scared but she decided to join the group because of money and the help that*fatty* intends to give her.

It was her second semester at school, next week. She was about to read but fatty and rose stopped her.

She asked them for a favor but they refuse to grant her.

She never knew, that her friends smoke and drink alcohol.

Fatty came from a very wealthy family and she was the only heir of the family.
Her dad wants her to take over the company after her graduation. But she didn't like business.

Fatty's mom was aware of her daughter's smoking and drinking but her dad wasn't.
Her mom told her to stop before her dad's find out but she decided to continue with this life style and she ignore her mom's advice and continue with her life style.

She has bruise and cause a lot of students pain and suffering, because of her contents (smoking and drinking) ELO was dropped out of school, because she was the one who took the blame for what fatty did.

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