01. First infection.

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Her boyfriend's mom asked her, if she had a family or relative at the village or township but she said, she had no family they are all gone.

She lied, just to be with the guy
She kept the secret of her twin sister from them. She couldn't tell them the situation of her sister because, it was her fault that her sister went to prison.

She was informed about her sister, they needs her at the village but she ignored and blocked the line. They couldn't contact her.

She stayed at the city comfortably, without visiting her sister or sending her money.

The next weekend, she didn't go to work today but stay at home because, it was her resting day. Her boyfriend had gone out.

Few minutes time, a vehicle drove in and it blew on at her door post. It was a young girl that drop out of the car. when she came out from her house

She thought, the young girl was mad because of the mark she saw on her neck. But she didn't know that, the young girl was her sister whom she abandoned at the village.

When, she get closer to her, she noticed that, she was her ill sister. She doesn't want to be embarrassed in her compound. She pretended as if she didn't know her.

She said to her;
Who're you? Young girl

So, you don't recognize me anymore, I'm your sister Jennifer.

You can't be my sister;
I don't have a family, neither a sister..

My guy will soon, you better take your leave now,
Said Jenny..

Everybody come oooo

This thing, is coming her sister.

Ah you;

Jenny can never be your sister
She can't stood too low to be your sister.

Said Jenny's friends...

Where is that gate man?


I dey here ooo

Why did you, allow this thing to enter my compound without my permission?

Na she say, she be your sister....
Na make i allow ham ..

You are a fool.

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