04. Bad influence.

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After everything.

Fatty and her friends went to the school campus, the back side where there's no students neither lecturers and smoke as they want.

They were new members in the group that was recruit by fatty and Betty.

As they were smoking, the two new girls were staring at them, just to learn their ways of life.

One of them, test it and she was coughing almost to the point of dead and she was rushed to the school hospital.

Her parents came to pick her up and she was dropped out of school. Because of her health..

She didn't expose the others, she kept the secret to herself.

They thought, she was the only one smoking but unknown to the principal they were in group.

Her boyfriend rushed in, and kneeled down in front of the principal begging him to give her another chance but the principal ignored him and walk away from him.

He couldn't  do anything for his girlfriend. He decided to let her go.

The next morning at school, today his friends were making funs of him, they were laughing at him before he could get to his class ...

Everywhere was filled up with students, they were actually stoning him and puring him dirty water, he couldn't bear the humiliation. He ran out of school.

His parents were angry at the principal and the students that did those horrible things to his son. His parents wanted to arrest the students but his son stopped them.

They took him out of the school and put him in another school.

I didn't run away from my frights or situation, but I decided to make peace, no matter what my girl did, she's still the best. Said JD.

   Despite what Ruth did, you're still taking her side? You have a good heart.

  Thanks for that.

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