02. Hustler.

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Street girl is a book of many techniques and experience of life as a street girl.

She became a hustler at the street just to get more money.

But at the end, no one could led her money.
She strive to survive with the little she had.

At her   four years, her mom left her at the street.
Her dad died when her mom was about to gave birth to her, she didn't know who her dad was.

She heard a noise and she went outside to take a look. It was some group of people.
They were knocking at the door, heavily.

Where is your mom, you little girl?

I had no mom, she is dead.

Your mom owed us money and we need that money back.

She is late, I can't you guys the money.

Your mom is not late.
We heard that, she left at the street but a stranger bring back to this house.

Like, I said before.
My parents are late, so I don't have money for the debit she owe you.

If that be the case, you are going back to where you belong* the street* that's where you belong.

We will take everything that your dad left behind, for our debit.
All the houses and prosperities belongs to us. For this moment.

You don't have to cry,
You can sell your body
So that, you can survive at the street.

They chase her away to the street.
She was moving down the street.
She find a place to stay at the street.

She was asking for help but no one could help her out.

She asked a woman for help;

Please mam; indeed I need your help, some money so that, I can sustain myself.

I had no money.
I have children to train and feed also.
I can't help you.

The next day at the street.
Mam, you promised me that, you would help me the last time I saw you.

I haven't seen you*

Aren't you my mother's friend?

Not anymore, she left me and ran away from the town. She even left you at the street.

She visited her close friends but they refuse to help her out and chase her away.

She did everything, just to stay alive
But she decided to join some group of street girls.

Who hustle harder just to get more money.
She couldn't bear the situation of the life they had out there.
She ran away from that street.

Some of the street girls have become street lord, especially some of them that are guys.

She was sitting down at the street, trying to find her way back to streamer street.

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