01. epigraph.

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I have no appetite for food like that,
and everything I eat makes me sick.
My body is full of worms
It's covered with scabs,
Pus run out of my sores.
My day pass by without hope,
Pass faster than a weaver's shuttle.

What strength have I got to keep on living?
Why go on living when I have no hope?
Am I made of stone? Is my body bronze?
I have no strength left to save myself
There's no where I can turn for help.

In trouble like this, I need loyal friends.
I'm a stranger to those who knew me.
My friends and friends are gone.
If only my life could once again
be as it was when mom watched over me.
I'm torn apart by worry and pain,
I have had day after day of suffering.

I go about in gloom without any sunshine.
I stared up in public and plead for help.
My voice is as sad and lonely.
as the cries of a jackal.
My skin has turned dark, I am burning with disease.
Where once I heard joyful music,
now I hear only mourning and weeping.

You let the wind blow me away,
You toss me about in a raging Strom.
You throws me down in the mud
I am no better than dirt.
At night my bones all ache.
The pain that gnaws me never stops.
and twists my clothes out of shape.

I was like a worthless of nameless
Everyone drove me away with shouts
as if they were shouting at thieves.
I am fatally wounded but I'm illness
The scales on my belly are like jagged
Pieces of pottery.

Enjoy the story* street Arab*

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