06. second summary.

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The following week!
Zara saw the boy who wanted to assault her, the other day.... Your looks familiar? Zara ask❓
It was you, who wants to take advantage of me last night 😴 I actually came to apologize to you, the other day, you were trespassing, this is my "jungle" and anyone that trespass must pay a price, you have to take permission from me because I owes this "Ouagadougou market  street"

Those marketers, pay taxes every month and no body dare disobey my order.
I'm sorry, for last night, it won't happen again, it was lack of home training.

     Is that an excuse? Zara ask!

No, you're so beautiful and what's your name?

You mean, you don't know My name all this while ❓

Hmmmm... I forgot that we have met before but we didn't do proper introduction. Kel reply.

   We did, you might have forgotten where we met, let me not bring back the past because what you did was so unbearable


I'm Kel.

Where're your parents?

I thought, I have told you everything, why're you bringing back what we have discussed before? Kel.

I don't think so! Zara reply.

End of conversation, since you already knew about my life history. Lol...

You thought, I won't notice, it was you who tried to violent me last night, i have apologize and you forgave me, why're you bringing up this  topic ❓

I hope you're ok, with the flowers I gave you yesterday? Kel ask!

   Not, really!

Bye, see you at the street point; said Zara!

    Don't go; I'm not done with you. Kel reply.

Let go of my hands, you're hurting me.... Zara tries to go but kel held her back.

Suddenly, kel accidentally kiss Zara, she turned, slapped him and walk away.

It was getting dark, towards the evening. Kel was looking for Zara, she found her at the road side, sitting down... Why're did you left after the kiss?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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