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Street Arab is a story of 20th  century series written by an author A.M.Q that was first lodged in Nigeria, this story was opened at streamer street on 10th, April 2020 and it was tenacious. Story written by author A.M.Q, it's an act of street Arab. Street Arab is a story of many techniques and experience of life as a street life, having the ability to survive the hardship of life.

She was abandoned and became homeless and roams the street but she never gave up because she's very smart. She was so perspcaecious in everything she does in the street.

She went back to the nearest street, when no one could help her, she had no place to stay, she decided to lodge the street at the road side under the bridge.

Sometimes, she begged before she could eat, she slept in an open environment (the street).

It was early in the morning, she started begging and most people chased her away because her face was too regular.

The play's theme are linked with this "begging" sexual assault "and realistically" as the theatricals of Zara says, "why must I go on suffering from the cruelty of my mother? (lines 910).

A.M.Q was troubled about the later situation that was bestowed on the series of "lack of parental care" that took place at the gate of A.M.Q as the main act in the story. Recommend those themes highly repeated in the act's horror concerned "stagger point "(Waifoflife) it was the time most of the children suffer mostly in the street without a mother because they're abandoned, they lack parental care and resources to train themselves was not available and low educational background. As a result they ended up as thieves, prostitute, robbers, and rapist, and they're affected economically, academically and emotionally. It was titled "the mistake of a mother" and a cry of a baby in one room, ends up at the street because of abandonment and rejection of a mother, the joy of having a mother, later turns out to be mourning 😭 it takes place in the evening "DARK NIGHT" in Nigeria. but moreover due to the prevailing of too many acts in the story, it was like a NIGHT -MARE.

She felt this thought in her heart.
    I wish I was not born
Then, facing this pain that my mother had injected on me.
I'm burning,
I'm hurting,
I'm wounded,
Mother, you're the reason for my misfortune.

As she was about to leave the bridge, she was bushwhack from the back unexpectedly, she was screaming but no one could hear her. The man dragged her to the bush, she was struggling to escape, she finds no opportunity.

The man tied her against a black wood, and he was pulling off his clothes behind her back while she was trying to escape, when he turned she hit him with her legs and he fell down, he was unconscious as she untie herself and ran out, trying to find her way back to the street, she spent two hours trying to locate the street where she belongs.
It was morning, she finally got back to the street after a horrific experience at the Bush.

      *Second incident*
She was on her way to buy some breakable groundnut and a cup of garri, she returns back to streamer street because she forgot her pullover. She watched closely and she saw two guys walking towards her direction, she was looking for a way to hide herself and shout for help but she finds no chance.

They hit her from behind while she was trying to cross to the other side of the road, the two guys carried her to an uncompleted building, she was shouting but the distance was too far.

She was brutally raped, humiliated and violated, the two guys ran away when they saw the situation she was, she might die.

She couldn't stand up, she slept there till morning, she crawled out to the road side, she was bleeding, she tries to ask for some driver's help but they ignore her and drove away.

An unknown lady help her and took her to the hospital, after a few hours, she woke up, she couldn't get the chance to thank the lady that helps her.
A.M.Q after seeing the tragedy that was bothered on "street Arab" she finally rename the act "HEARTBREAK SYNDROME"

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