chapter 2. The twin sisters.

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                * viewer's note*

It was painful losing a loved one
Especially a mom, when they were 10 years old. They lost their mom and they strive to survive with the little they had.

Their mom, wrote a book before she passed away.

My daughters, please take care of yourselves and treat each other with love and don't Betrayed the love you have for your twin sister.

Few weeks later, Jennifer and her sister Jenny went to the city to reside but they couldn't find an accommodation, they decided to moved back to the Village.

As, a senior sister, she chose to take the responsibility of the younger one. * Jenny* she make sure she go to school and graduate before she gets married.

While, she was working harder to earn money. She went into trading and farming just to fed her sister Jenny.

Jenny, wrote a scholarship exam and she travel out the state.
She got a visa to school in America. Both of them were happy.

Jennifer help her to pick up her best clothes and arrange it in a traveler's bag.

She escort her to the airport.

A month after her Visa, she got a call from the station, her sister was involved in a stealing case.

So, she rushed down to the station. Jennifer decided to take the blame for what her sister did.
She went to prison and stayed for two good years.
And her sister Jenny didn't visit her.

When she came back from the prison, she had a disease know as * skin disease*
She was infected with the disease because of the prison, the environment.

Her sister Jenny couldn't bear the odour, she decided to travel to the city and she left her behind in the village.

She had a boyfriend, he took her in and she stayed with him. She didn't return to the village to see how her sister Jennifer is doing.

She, left her behind because of the skin disease she had.

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