02. first incident.

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The next morning at school.
She was feeling dizzy, she couldn't listen to lectures, all she does was to sleep while other students were reading.

Because, fatty and her friends gave her alcohol doing the party celebration yesterday .

After, the lecture....
She went to meet* fatty* she told her that, she can't continue with this life style anymore, she wants to quit.

But fatty said;
No turning back in the juggle you are.

She murmured and walked away(Sarah).

She tries to stop her but she couldn't. Fatty!

She did everything to please her friends.. even though, it takes her years to learnt their ways of life.

She smoke and drink just to please her friends.

At night, information came to her that, fatty's Dad is late..
She was shocked.. 

For what she can remember, fatty's Dad is a big man and he normally travel because of his company.

According to the news;

He just came back from USA. He spent few days with his family and he was about to go on a trip but his wife, advice him to stay and he didn't listen to his wife advice.

After, an hour.. fatty's phone rang..
She received a call from an unknown number that, her dad was involved in a plane crash, and they're sorry for his lost.

When her mom, heard the news she fainted and she was rushed to the hospital...

When she regain consciousness, it was already dark, she couldn't bear the pain but  to cry and shout! Bring back my husband, my husband can't be dead, I spoke with him not quite long and he said he's on his way home.

Mom, dad is gone, you just have to accept the truth, I will do everything to take of you.

     What about the company and his reputation? You don't agree to what your dad said ( you will be the one to take over the company) but you never said Yes to your dad.

    Mom, I'm sorry for being stubborn.

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