07.Second decease.

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She wrote a letter and this was her speech;

I love you so much, mom.
I never knew, this will be the outcome of what I did. I took my life but I never mean to but I just did.

And to you fatty, Betty and Lucy, you both deceive me. I did everything to please you both.
I even drink and smoke but when I needed you guys most, you guys left.

And, you Mike; my boyfriend
I thought, you were my strength but I was absolutely wrong.
You came with a ring
And you went missing
When I needed your love in my heart
You just decided to keep me hurting.

I just did what I thought was right, even though it's wrong for the sight of others.

I hope you guys are having funs at school❓

How wish that little girl, that I helped her mother was around I wouldn't taken my life, she would have become my strength.

I chose to follow you guys but you guys turn me down, when I needed your help most in my life.
You guy's phone was switched off most especially you *fatty*

Immediately, her boyfriend rushed in, but it was already too late.

Look at what he said;

Sarah, please wake up let get married
I want to marry you, with your cancer.
I got a solution for you.
I'm sorry you have to deal with it yourself. I was so stupid to let go of you when you needed my love.

The little girl was crying bitterly when she saw the letter that Sarah wrote.
She wanted to hug her but her mom held her back.

Fatty and her friends were also crying because, it was their fault.

I'm so sorry, I find out so late that you are my sister. I would have helped you but I was so selfish.
Please forgive me and my friends.

   Do you think she forgive you guys, especially you, fatty? Mama ask!

   Bring back, my daughter, she's all I have and you guys took her away from me.

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