Final tests had finally ended. We're all academically free. What a tiring semester.
It wasn't really bad although Mazmur now decided to stay away from us. Who cares?
What about Aruna? There wasn't any news about her, which was not so important for my life. I hope those two deeply-falling-in-love persons enjoy their being separated by semester break.
I went home today. Dad was on his way back from California for a business meeting. Can't wait to get gifts from him. Beloved Daddy! Mom was at home. The last time she called me, she promised she would bake me a chocolate cake. Such a lovely mother.
Iqbal said he could take me home, for his house was just blocks away from mine. Perfecto. I had a long list of holiday plans, and everything seemed to fall to their places correctly. Visiting cousins in Bandung. Shopping clothes. Ice-skating at a mall in West Jakarta. Going to Singapore and spending the end of the year there with my parents.
Unluckyly, it was what I thought. Not what really happened.