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"nobody put that purpose in me like you do"


Y/N arrived home and starting to prepare to cook.


I decided to cook his favorite meal and hope
that tonight would go well. See how he felt about kids. While we discussed it when we first got married at the young age of twenty three. We agreed to wait but we've gotten so busy that I was certain he wouldn't want to stop or even slow down now.

I settled down my pot and with cold water and turned on the stove. I changed into more comfortable clothes but into lingerie he hasn't seen me in since our honeymoon to sweet talk my husband it required few steps and they were very easy to follow.

It didn't take much which is what I loved about him. He never put pressure on me and he treated me like his other half. He knew and studied everything about me sexually and emotionally. It's one of the reasons we got married so fast but that was also years ago before we headed for college and perused our careers.

We were always career oriented but also took time for ourselves. We always made sure we heard, saw and understood each other. I just knew that he would probably be happy to slow down and be a father. I felt now it was time and we were at that age of just having something to show. While we didn't want to have kids to show we've done something or leave the world with the next generation to feel like that proved we've done something with our lives. At least that's how I tried to see it.

Everyone at the commission had kids and their quirks were something to be proud of. I knew I was excited for them seeing them finally show their quirks. Everyone was very secretive at work considering the type of work we do and but sometimes they shared and even showed their greatest achievements.

It stayed on the back of mind for weeks maybe even months. The fever came and went. I tried to push it to the side and ignore it but nothing was working.

I knew I wanted to have a kid for it to be with him. That's what my heart kept telling me, I believed this at least I tried to believe it. Everything was supposed to fall into place and yet it still felt far. I was so tired of feeling burnt out and alone.

While sure he was present but not in the way I wanted him to be. I could only hope things could change and maybe he was also thinking what I was thinking as well.

As I continued to cook I tried to be more optimistic about the conversation ahead. I haven't even told my family about it but as soon as we talked I would almost immediately.

I was extremely close with them and they alway understood when I want something or when I am determined I will make it happen. While I didn't want force it on him this was just a talk and if anything I could change his mind. I was so sure it it would like a simple and but important conversation.


As Y/N tried to believe that he would say yes and everything would be as she planned in her head. The idea of taking time and having kids and finally talking time to focus on something that she found to be a gift, a family. No one had pressured them into the idea their families understood their jobs and wanted them to have a strong position in their careers and be financially stable. They wanted them to be comfortable and not feel like they need to rush or have to do things no one should feel pressured to do.

So with time everything slowed down and they were very capable and had a strong presence in their jobs. To them it was important and that was fine.

They worked like a well oiled machine and they understood each other. They hung with their families and even had family events with everyone. They made time and did everything to keep themselves from falling out of love. While the job came with a-lot of demands they met them but also met each other halfway as-well.

It didn't seem like anything could come between them. They always worked it out that's what marriage was and they always communicated and spoke up if they felt someone was off or they wanted to talk. It was always refreshing to hear her husband talk about his feelings and how he felt about certain things whether it be work, family or his own mental health. He was open about everything —well almost everything.

Sometime ago probably about a month and a half ago, or longer he had some sort of epiphany it was so out of the norm for him but he wanted to do more. He wasn't sure what he wanted to but he knew he wanted more. While he loved where he was at. It didn't fulfill him like how it used to. He has never discussed this change in himself with anyone not even his doting wife.

He kept to himself and just confined to act as if everything was normal. He felt as though this change might cause a rift between them. Since he noticed she had baby fever while
he loved children and would love to have his own and she be the mother of them he just had other plans.

He couldn't even explain them but he knew he had a calling for something bigger then the commission. Bigger then starting a family but he figured he would tell her soon. He even thought about her telling four months ago when it happened but projects and meetings got in the way but tonight as he was driving home he was going to talk to her and finally lay everything out.

While Y/N starting preparing the table and getting any last preparations ready. She had a good feeling about tonight that he would agree and everything would be fine. She was so certain of it.

while i did decide to make him a cheating asshole. i ended up taking a different route and making something other than cheating i hate when that's the reason so i'm changing it (: ! this is just the first half -A. 💕

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