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"It's just (ah) a little crush, a crush, not like i faint every-time we touch"


Three days passed in a flash and Y/N felt a surge of anxiousness flow through her. It was her second meeting with the lecherous counselor and yet she felt like a teenager awaiting to see their crush. There was a bounce-a pep in her step. Heard her steps and her squeals of excitement; her husband hadn't took note of this but didn't seem to think much of it; as he didn't see off to her first appointment but stayed home today.

As he was exhausted and hearing bustling outside the guest room.

It was the usual noise he was used to. They were finally talking again. Which he missed but the intimacy was lacking and he wanted to fix that. He missed her and more than anything he wanted to make things right. Even if that meant adding another addition to the already small family.

He decided in a few days he would bring it up, he wanted to make up for lost time. This seemed to be a perfect plan. He decided to research the perfect to fix what he had broken. "She'll love this..." he said quietly to himself as he didn't want Y/N to hear him.


The time now read 3:43 PM Y/N was at her second appointment with her oh so alluring counsulor. Her husband on the other hand was planning to re-do the mess he caused over a month and a half ago.


He knew Y/N like the back of his hand. It was almost a reflex when it came to her. Her likes, her dislikes, what irked her, what made her happy, what she loved during intimacy, what she didn't like. He knew her well, at least that's what he assumed.

While he worked on this oh so special day. It didn't dawn on him the end of his marriage is vastly approaching: a partnership made in matrimony. That ended the day he didn't share his wife's dream. He didn't know that would be the flame to cause the explosion.

He hoped he could pick up the pieces and things would be okay, he knew it won't be back to how it used to be; he was okay with that at least for now. He just hoped she would see he was trying. He wasn't sure if a kid was something he looked forward to in life but it didn't sound bad and he didn't know why he was so against it in the beginning.

Yet, he was aware of the same feelings any would be parent would feel and that's fear. He knew he was scared yet masked it with work. He was established and wasn't worried about achieving anything else yet he made it seem that way.

The lingering feelings of deceit and sadness filled his body as he felt numb to his own ignorance: unable to come to terms with his own selfish reasonings.

All of his friends were happy to be fathers it was something they hoped to have while dealing with the darkness that covered the intimidating building. It would sometimes get dark and the atmosphere was tense a knife wouldn't be sharp enough to cut through it. He can admit that taking a job so important as this came with pros and cons, a failed marriage definitely wasn't at the top of the list.

Yet he felt he failed as a husband and he hated to have these thoughts now and not before. He couldn't do anything about it now.

Instead he made sure to acknowledge his wrong doings and hope for another chance.

If he were able to get that, it would be one step closer to being right with her. His Y/N the shy yet confident women he married oh so many years ago.

He was almost divorced; unbeknownst to him Y/N didn't confirm if she wanted to go with it or not. Y/N had emailed her lawyer to hold off. At a time of uncertainty and unresolved feelings, she felt bad and didn't want to break out at such a tactful time.

If he didn't move quickly things would take turn he would've never expected, but he was confident in his ways to win her back. He was so sure he would get her back. He was lucky to even have someone like her in his life. He couldn't even put it into words, how deeply he loved her.

It was unconditional and unshakable his faith in his doting wife. No one can ever replicate or replace what God has put in front of him. He wouldn't be who he was today without her. He was internally great full for her, Y/N, everything he ever wanted in a wife, hand crafted by God and delivered to him by angels.

Without her he would be somewhere hopeless and without unconditional love and support. Most men, (especially black men) can't even find a black woman willing to even hold their hands let alone hold them down. They won together, they understood each other, they prayed together, they communicated, they were committed to each other, they ate together, they worked together, they were one: a unit. An unshakable display of his affection was the only way he felt confident enough to win his wife back.

He hoped he wasn't too late.

Song for this chapter is: Crush by Jennifer Paige ! (wattpad won't let me add songs, it's annoying)

I thought I would give a POV into your man's mind and allat. will edit soon, also check out my Gojo book if you're into Gojo like me! also my birthday is next week sunday ahhh (the 17th). When is yours? ♐️

The Counselor | S. Aizawa Where stories live. Discover now