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"i think i'm addicted to romance showing whole my hands laying my cards out flat"


While Y/N waited in the office of her dear family friend. She also awaited her results, the initial exam went well and now she hopes her uterus can handle a child. She couldn't let her husband win and her dream ruined.

While she didn't completely hate him, she loved him so much. She couldn't let go of the memories they had together. Tears of love, comfort, understanding, communication and commitment all being thrown away. She was so sure he would come and be here with her. She never turned off her location or hid where she would go for her appointment.

Although, he didn't seem to care he might even be at work and assumed she went to cool down. She had the day off and he didn't they're schedules seem to always work overlap during the season of new hero's and permits being given to future hero's.

Y/N had to go through all the paper work and approve them while he went through the backgrounds of the hero's and did full investigations. Not everyone could become a hero but it wouldn't hurt to try.

As the community had very strict rules, requirements and more even after trying the licensing exam. While their jobs essentially made or broke many hero's careers. It was a job she loved because she didn't actually speak to anyone and made the choices solely based on how they did on the exams, school, performance, and more. All facts and no feelings. Not that Y/N wasn't an emotional person but at work she was serious and she needed to be.

Soon the door opened and her doctor walked in. She seems to have a cheerful look on her face and that calmed Y/N down a bit but at the same time she felt a uneasy feeling that was bad news was coming and she wasn't sure if she was prepared.


"After looking at your results, and your uterus, you have a healthy egg count and overall health are good, but I still have to recommend you to a counselor so you get the green light. I would just pass you but the protocol with medicine in Japan has changed." She replied looking at me after giving me the run of the good and bad on my chart. I nodded, I was happy she didn't mention my relationship status in all this because some hospitals require you're spouse to sign off on these and nothing can go forward without that approval which is insane. I thought to myself I didn't think men would have that much say but they do and being black all my chances of losing my baby and getting postpartum just doubled.

I waited as she collected all the information for my counselor.

After my appointment I was told to see him for three weeks and then I would finally be able to start the process of getting a sperm donor and finally be pregnant. Which in turn made me dance like someone was chasing me in my tinted car. Although I did have to lie to her about a few things, I was on the way to becoming a mother. The counselor which I now know as Shouta Aizawa would be counseling me. I heard from her and google that he is very well respected in his field but also extremely strict about patients and such. I was intimidated just based off reviews but if my doctor trusted him then I would have just have to trust that she knows what she's doing.

She scheduled my appointments and my first one was in three days as I wanted to get everything finished. I made a mental note to email work and get a few days off. As this was huge for me and I had a solid footing and I knew I would get approved immediately since I saved up my PTO. I knew it would come in handy as my husband never wanted to anything but work so my days were spent in the office working and making money. I never even taken three off and now that I sit in my car I can't even believe that I've been neglected that we've neglected our whole marriage as if it was nothing. While we did spend time together and made the most of it it was usually a mandatory day off or official holiday. I shook my head in disbelief and started my car and getting self situated for the shit storm awaiting me at home.


she's extremely short and honestly i've been so busy and i wanna do something different cuz i had this idea anyway, here's a filler, until i actually give something with more substance. xoxo -Alexis 💕

The Counselor | S. Aizawa Where stories live. Discover now