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"you send shivers down my spine, boy i really can't describe, the things you do, to me, you make, my dreams come true"


The day was almost over dusk took over and the moons shift was slowly coming in. The cool fall night was beautiful the stars shining beautifully against the dark blue background.

The leaves crunch under the feet of people over them. Some of the leafs don't break and just stay where they are while others get swept away and soon blow into the wind hoping for rebirth. Some leafs were turning faster than others and it was truly a sight to see.

Y/N had left her appointment after being there for three hours and her appointment was only supposed to last hour and a half.

It was an experience— an embarrassing one at that. Dr. Aizawa was truly an attractive man and Y/N couldn't deny that. His onyx eyes bore into her soul as he comforts her.

Y/N's heart raced like crazy unable to form words, from his rugged exterior to his strong linen and pine scent made her swoon. She didn't even want to get into his body how it felt against hers or even his deep, sexy stoic voice either.

So many things about that particular moment made her breath hitch. Like a ball was caught in her throat, she only calmed herself down just enough to give the gist of what was happening so far in life to make her breakdown not once—but twice in two days.

His words stuck to her and she listened to everything he said mostly as she still was in his arms and her head felt hot and her eyes hazy. He was intoxicating and she wanted to be black out drunk.

Sure, she had finally talked to her husband after everything that happened, it was nice but she wasn't sure if she would feel the same. While they were apart things changed—time being the biggest wedge for her not feeling the same love and lust about her husband.

She still loved him he was someone she knew and trusted for many years. That wouldn't change but romantically that shipped got hit with an ice berg and there was no saving it.

She knew where heart lay and it wasn't with him. She felt that happy, heart in accord with her mind. In that instance a pang of sadness struck her, she hoped no one hated her for these new found feelings. Sure, her family knew of the messy situation besides everything up to now. That wasn't business anyone had to know about.

She avoided talking about it so openly but with Aizawa her worries turned into small disagreements. As if it was a mere misunderstanding. It was weird for her but she knew that she did like him, something attracted her to him and she only met him once.

Soon, Y/N without actually realizing it stood in front of her door. Unable to come to terms with what to tell her family or even her husband. She turned to her right and his car wasn't in the driveway. She blew a sigh of relief and quickly unlocked her door and walked in softly closing the door behind her.

She stood leaning against the closed and cold door, goosebumps littered all over body feeling the coolness of the door. "Fuck.." she mumbled to herself. The feelings felt like a tidal wave. The wave rocked back and forth in swift and quick motions. Even her quirk couldn't save her from this pain.

She tried to maybe see if she could love her husband again on the way here but even she knew that was futile.

Faking or even trying to reciprocate her past feelings, would be like trying to apologize for a mistake you knew wasn't one.

Y/N sighed thinking about her next appointment would be coming in exactly three days. It seemed so soon but she was eager, excited for a kid but also excited to see her counselor again. It was as if Y/N had a high school crush all over again.

She felt giddy and excited about these new found feelings, she wondered where it would take her. Pushing herself off the door Y/N started to the bedroom to unwind. After a long and very emotional day.

a filler chapter today, y'all check out my newest book titled, "ISSUES" it's a Gojo book, if you're interested go read it! I try to update everyday! I even updated today and I will again the next day for a very special day (: Anyway, I love you all and thank you so much for the love and support on this book and your comments means the world – A. 💕✨

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