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"Tryna fight to the finish just to see am I finished"


Some how it became the battle of the who can shout the loudest and Y/N seemed to be winning. Since they didn't live in an apartment complex and in a house and neighbors couldn't really hear them. Due to the fact it was a brief but an exhausted yell. Nothing really concerned them enough to be startled out of bed and wonder what happened in horror.

When her husband arrived home everything as smooth as it could get. They greeted each other and he noticed she put on lingerie which did give him a slight twitch below the belt. He was clueless as to why she looked so beautiful tonight but he didn't care. They needed to be connected and tonight seemed perfect. A good meal and sex as the desert that's all that clouded his mind. Until the faithful conversation of children came up.

He was silent at first he stopped eating the rasta pasta Y/N made especially for him. He always would find new recipes for her to try and cook. It was always a way to see that he wanted to spend time with her. It ended becoming tradition and his favorite dish that she made.

Now it might end up being his worst now. He never seemed to answer the question at hand. It seemed to always lead back to work and them not being ready but they were financially and in other ways. She was mentally prepared and he chose not to be.

He shook his head and it finally clicked to him. The fever finally reared it's ugly head and he tried to avoid it but there was no use. He simply tried to play it off and make it seem as though he didn't quite hear her. It worked for awhile and now it won't.

"I understand that you want a baby, but I'm just getting started in my–" he started and she interrupted. "So, was I and now I want to settle down. We both started at the same time so spare me the bullshit." her tone soft yet angry. She didn't yell and she throw things instead she tried to hear him out but the second he uttered the poor choice of using work as an excuse it became clear that they were back to square one.

"I think I heard all I needed to hear." She spoke heartbroken yet her tone was laced with someone who was flat out tired. It always seemed to go back to work. It made her wonder if he was cheating and got someone else pregnant but she would know. She knew her husband and she works in the same building so it couldn't be that. She wasn't sure what it was but he seemed to be married to the job and not his marriage. He was married to the parts he wanted and he fantasized about.

"Y/N–" he started but she quickly shushed him. She got up and collected the plates and started to clean up. She had finished what she could and started cleaning up. Y/N didn't have a plan of what to do if he disagreed but she was going to after this. She didn't say much after shushing him, it was as if his own mother just scolded him. So, he quietly ate what he could before she took his plate and cleaned up. One thing Y/N did even after any fight or disagreement was finish what was at hand and move accordingly.

He always knew that she was set on something, anything she was determined to make it happen. He loved her determination but right now he was just frightened.

The night progressed into Y/N telling him to sleep in the guest room. While she wasn't going to force him into a kid. She wasn't going to have a kid with someone married to their work.

She cried that night. Letting all the tears and hope she had fall right into the soft pillow. She felt stupid and mad that it would finally happen. That she would be a mother. She worked hard not just for herself but her future that included her husband and kids. That was the plan that she had and that she prayed for and it was falling apart.

Somehow Y/N would bounce back she was so sure she would find a way. Maybe he would still change his mind but she didn't want to guilt anyone into anything. He never wanted a kid and she decided to ignore it and hope he would just say yes and everything would be fine. She felt so foolish thinking everything would be fine and that she would get what they talked about years ago but now he feels work is more important then her wants or even dreams. She had to figure it for herself and getting pregnant was something she was ready to with or without his sperm.

The tears stopped and Y/N got to researching it was pretty late after the whole disagreement—well more like the end of her marriage. She found she could get a sperm donor but had to speak to a counselor and go through a few different tests to even be qualified. She emailed her personal physician last night about it and also asked about a good counselor. Y/N thought maybe things would look up after this but it was only going downhill from here. Maybe he would want to save his wife from leaving him, maybe he would see the error of his ways. Y/N didn't bother to dwindle anymore instead she took action. She was going to have a family with or without him.

a bit short but i'm excited for the next chapter where we really get things rolling! just wanted to post a quickie for y'all! i love you cya later!! <333 -A. 💕✨ p.s. will edit soon.

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