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" no one ever said it'd be easy baby "


It was over from the start and no one saw it coming. He was so sure it would all worked, he had side fire plan. Everything was coming together. Dinner was amazing, the food was made in her favor. The talking before dinner was even better. It was as if they never ever fought and they rekindled their old date nights. She seemed so excited to be treated and even cared for. Yet, all she saw was someone being a friend, a roommate if you will, a companion. Never a lover or even a husband. That ship sailed—then sunk.

In the intricate tapestry of success threaded by Y/N and H/N, their lives were bedecked with shared victories and celebrated achievements. Their names reverberated throughout the professional realm, their accomplishments echoing like a sweet melody.

Yet, within the privacy of their home, a poignant silence veiled the unspoken desire for children—a dream deferred, quietly nestled in the delicate folds of Y/N's heart.

Y/N yearned for the pitter-patter of tiny feet and the boundless joy that parenthood brings. She broached the subject once more with H/N, her voice carrying a wistful note—a tender plea to breathe life into the dormant dream that lingered in the corners of her desired aspirations.

H/N, caught off guard by Y/N's unwavering desire, responded with a proficient deflection. Pragmatism weighed heavily in his words, "You know how demanding my job is, Y/N. We need to focus on our careers for now." He felt unwilling to bring life into the world, although discussing it time and time again he danced around the idea also as if he already made up his mind and gently, dismissed hers.

However, the drama took an unexpected turn when Y/N, fueled by her unyielding determination to embrace motherhood, resolved to chart her own course.

Alone, she embarked on a clandestine journey filled with fertility treatments and hope—a secret pilgrimage. But this journey held an unconventional requirement: a counselor's approval. And thus, Aizawa, an unwitting protagonist, entered the narrative, poised at the intersection of their fractured love story.

Within the sacred space of counseling sessions, Y/N found solace in the unspoken understanding shared with Aizawa. Their connection transcended the boundaries of professionalism, delving into the depths of Y/N's unvoiced desires. The compassion displayed by Aizawa ignited a spark within Y/N—a newfound freedom and eagerness to explore the uncharted territory of her heart, perhaps even acknowledging the magnetic pull she felt towards Aizawa.

Meanwhile, H/N, ensnared in the monotony of his daily life, remained blissfully unaware of the growing emotional chasm that silently widened between them. Oblivious to the unfurling story within Y/N's heart, he was cocooned in the comfort of routine, unable to discern the dormant whispers of their love's fragility.

One poignant evening, as the weight of their unspoken dreams became unbearable, Y/N summoned the courage to initiate a conversation. Her wearied eyes met H/N's, a mixture of exhaustion, resolution, and a flicker of newfound freedom coloring her gaze.

"H/N, we need to talk," her voice quivered with a blend of vulnerability and determination.

Caught off guard by the gravity of their conversation, H/N responded with a glimmer of hope, "Whatever it is, we can work through it. I've planned something special for us. Just give it a chance."

The meticulously planned day unfolded—an intricately woven tapestry of apologies, promises, and desperate attempts to rekindle the flickering flame. H/N's intentions were noble, sweet almost but his optimism was tinged with a hint of desperation. But amidst the grand gestures and heartfelt apologies, Y/N found herself unable to revive the romantic love that once bound them together in bliss.

The Counselor | S. Aizawa Where stories live. Discover now