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"I am in the midst of an ascension now, lifted and I am drifting on a cloud, never coming down again, down again"


Today was the day she would meet the famous Dr. Shouta Aizawa and she was excited. After her break down in the parking lot and being comforted by her husband.

They talked it was very emotional for the both of them, heart to heart conversation it was sound and long, they talked almost all day and while the other did want a kid and the other didn't.

They seemed to come a compromise, he agreed to be present he didn't want to leave her as he loved her deeply and it destroyed him to see her so sad, he had never seen her scream and cry it was as if someone died and Y/N was inconsolable.

It took about three hours for her to even speak: let alone calm down as it was silent in the car not even any music present as he drove down the busy streets all to the house, semi secluded from stores and some houses. Which is what they looked for in a house.

That day they slept in the same bed, Y/N didn't want to sleep alone she was so tired of sleeping alone. It was lonely she never admitted it out loud or even to herself but it was lonesome.

She wasn't sure if she wanted a kid anymore did she want a fill a void? Show off to others? Was there even a reason anymore? She wasn't completely sure it was causing her to stay in the car longer than usual and her appointment started soon, she started at the time on her phone.

It read 2:56 PM She dreaded just a little this appointment but she couldn't miss any as her insurance covered it. Mr. Aizawa wasn't cheap by any means.

She was almost uncertain about even getting out of the car but once the time changed to 2:57 PM she did haul ass to the elevators: not even bothering to ask anyone about what floor he was on.

As she got an email from confirming the appointment and what address and floor he was located on.

As she waited for the elevator to make it the fifth floor she started at her phone, watching time move fast.

It was now two minutes until her appointment. She swallowed not sure what to expect but she was nervous and felt uneasy but still walked to right and headed a quiet hallway that looked similar to the rest of the building grey, with white accents and basic painting with the standard words of encouragement and random things about kids and new life in regards to bringing kids into the world.

She rolled her eyes a-bit and finally she landed on a stained brown mahogany door. His name engraved into the door with sliver. She knocked once and a deep voice invited her in.

It was finally time and Y/N slowly opened the door her hand cradling the sliver door-handle, her anxiety at an all time high; she didn't know how to calm herself down.

She felt the need to cry and thinking maybe she can hold it. It was nearly impossible as she finally walked in fully opening the door not even fully looking at the man. She sucked in a breath apologizing for her tardiness.

Aizawa slowly looked up and saw her nearly on the brink of breaking down. He never moved so fast from his chair in his ten plus years of being a counselor.

He assumed her husband would be right with her but he had forgotten to even look at Y/N's email two days ago. He was slightly happy she was by herself, she was gorgeous—stunning even he couldn't stand the thought of her crying so he cradled her body as he carried her over to the chair she was supposed to be sitting in which was a black cushiony chair with new finishing on it. He had been shopping to redo his dull office. Of course he listened to nonsense Yamada spewed about his office looking a mental institution office. Which was not entirely off but still a mental institution? Shouta flicked him in the forehead and then they continued to talk about other mundane topics.

He still had no idea what caused to suddenly a breakdown before even actually greeting him or even taking the office decor. It must be pretty bad. He thought to himself unable to pouch the idea of what it could be. As he held her inhaling her cocoa butter scent with a sweet scent filling his nose right after. It somehow went good with the cocoa. He wondered what it was but that was for another time as she finally calmed down, it grew quiet for a second she hadn't shifted or even lifted her head from the spot she in or even Aizawa's arms.

She stilled and her breathe was even now as he felt her calm. She's asleep, very interesting first impression. He thought to himself wondering how the next meeting would go after this. Still he didn't mind usually he would help the person after a minute or two and they would be sat down on one of the many comfy couches and take a breather.

After that they would start talking even if it was in a mumbles and the leaking of snot running down from their nose.

While he wasn't surprised by crying he was surprised by the way she instantly broke down most did that after the third or fifth visit. He definitely couldn't wait to see what would happen next. He sighed and continued holding her. Her grip was strong but not enough to keep him from moving her and letting her sleep.

So, he stayed like that and watched as she slept soundly, he definitely had questions and maybe even more appointments to schedule after this.


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hey y'all please check out my new book called. "ISSUES" it's a gojo book, my very first one. cya soon- A. 💕 p.s. - will be editing soon! and yes that's gojo's 9K chair i used for this chapter.

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