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"Can't tell that you are disconnected, you pulled away"


It was lie after lie after lie and for some reason Y/N kept falling for it going. She planned her day accordingly and called off work as this took priority.

All the lies she told herself, the sweet little lies were enough to make her realize that he never wanted kids and she was too blind to realize.

So Y/N got up and showered, got dressed and had breakfast. Not even bothering to check up on her job focused husband. She grabbed her belongings in a hurry ready to meet her doctor and start the process of being a mother.

The sun shined brighter then the previous day. Y/N wanted to get up and make sure that she had the energy to get up and start her day. Which was preparing for a life she wasn't sure she would get but here she was doing it. The grass looked greener and she didn't feel the world in her shoulders. The look of guilt her shitty husband gave her while destroying his plate of food.

Whilst she got into her car ready to began her day. Suddenly, her phone suddenly blew up with a flurry of messages from her mother in law and her mom as well. She rolled her eyes and set her phone on do not disturb and started to back out the long driveway.

Today was the start of something Y/N always dreamed of while her it was delayed and she was somehow blindsided she focused herself and drove to her private doctor. Doctor Raine who has been more then a doctor to her over the years.

As Y/N drove she finally managed to take in her surroundings. Driving to her private doctor was something she enjoyed because the journey there all you saw were beautiful flowers and lush trees. It was very nature like and it always calmed you. Just seeing a view you would never get tired of.

It was like driving to get away and the views were to die for.

Music played lowly in the background as Y/N thought all the health issues she thought she might have but she couldn't think why she wouldn't be able to. She wasn't on any medication or any drugs. No one in her family or even her husband had any problems of it. She was positive she was in the clear, there were probably steps she had to follow in order to be began getting her eggs fertilized. She was prepared and ready to take on motherhood whilst ignoring her phone that flashed every five minutes.

This was all that was on her mind. She assumed that they would ask what happened and after talking to him and trying to understand. Y/N found no hope in doing so. It was a waste of time, if he didn't want one that's fine he wasn't in her will and she wasn't in his. While it's a big decision to have been made by herself. She would have hoped he would humor her at least but he was stubborn.

After arriving to the bright orange building labeled "FERTILITY CLINIC" Y/N knew she was at the right place. While most were beige or some boring color they wanted to stand out. While it wasn't frowned upon to have a kid from a sperm donor a lot of the women in Japan had husbands and didn't need to have a surrogate, Y/N wanted this kid to be hers and she didn't care about the sperm as much but the donor at least should have good genes and whatnot. That was important and she hoped she would hopefully find one soon.

The only scary about this was finding out if her uterus was a peaceful loving environment or if it was overrun by something even worse. Y/N tried to have positive thoughts about it and even just assumed she was just psyching herself out.

That all this was just her having a thoughts and nothing else that she should be—will be fine. That's all that seem to circle her mind the idea that she was too late.

Once Y/N made it onto the familiar smooth recently fixed road. She made slowed her driving and turned right into the parking lot of her doctors office. She found an empty parking right in front of the office and parked. She breathed a heavy sigh and took her her right hand and touched around for the bright red button and pressed it feeling the release of pressure she unbuckled her seat belt.

It was all happening today and she wasn't sure if she was ready or if this was revenge. She knew she wanted kids but she also thought he would as well and that maybe he would've changed his time last night but he stuck his ground. Whenever he wanted to please his wife he would walk back into the room and hold her letting her know he was sorry and didn't consider her feelings.

It usually fine in the morning, she even kept the door ajar but he didn't seem to budge. It clear he was set on his job and his job alone.

It had become clear to Y/N that she was alone and just living with a roommate. She couldn't even remember the last they slept together. It always work and maybe once in a blue moon a quickie that's if they weren't tired.


I breathed a sigh and slowly got out of my car and grabbing my bag in the process so I didn't travel to other side of the car to reach it.

I finally got complete out the car and shut it. I reached into my bag touch the cool metal of my keys and pressed the lock button and heard my ding in response. Satisfied I walked a few steps to the front of the clinic. I took another deep breathe feeling my anxiety reach an all time time. I pulled the cool grey metal doors opened that matched the bright orange building and walked inside. I was instantly greeted with a receptionist whom I haven't met I usually greeted by Aniyah but she wasn't in. I frowned a little and quickly signed in and sat down not even taking in the appealing work of the waiting area. I scrolled through my phone and waited to be called.

"If I can't have kids. It's wraps.." I thought to myself.

a little short rn but i did promise an update (: will update soon <33 if u comment and lmk your thoughts. -A. 💕

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