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" hope you can find someone to love you better then i did, takin' our memories on love and treatin' it like nothin' "


The work day went by fast for Y/N. Nothing interesting happened besides hearing from her lawyer in early morning. Her soon to be ex-husband had only reached out about where a few things were that he kept in the master bedroom.

To which Y/N explained that she moved his stuff into there. There wasn't much lip back from him.

So, Y/N went about her day content. Things were going as she planned and soon he would be served she figured she would talk to him face to face but the lawyer would handle that.

She was excited for her appointment as excited as anyone could be. Most would have cold feet and back out before the process even started.

It required complete commitment and Y/N was onboard and just had to fake her marriage until she actually got pregnant.

While it wouldn't be his sperm getting her pregnant. She still needed to be married to get past the first few stages.


It was Y/N's first day back after taking a few days off from work. Things seemed to be okay and she was happy no one knew what was happening.

Since the office tends to gossip about any and everything they can get their hands on. It was sad but she assumed their marriages must be like hers or even worse. Even so she managed to avoid her co workers who tried to greet her like the plague and darted to her office.

She sighed and locked herself in office after parking her in the large parking lot with assigned spaces. it's going to be a long day She thought to herself feeling the dread kicking in.

While she didn't necessarily hate her which would be a strong feeling she felt as though she was walking into gossip city. She had also saw from a few spaces away her soon to be ex-spouse's car. While she assumed he probably blab or complained to his friends in the office—he didn't.

He usually talked to them about everything well-almost everything. It might also be embarrassing for him since a lot of the people he surrounds himself with are married with children.

Funny enough a lot of the people whom she talked and shocker acquainted herself with all had kids. It was hard to escape a pregnant woman no matter the floor. It was almost as if a disease or virus spread all over the building.

The disease affected all women with wombs especially the 30 year old she felt at her age she would already have one or two kids but avoided it and focused on what mattered at the time– her career.


The day dragged on with Y/N having a stress free day while she was tired and her bed was calling her she still had one more file to look at. While she would've texted her significant other of the staying slightly late at work that didn't matter any more.

Alerting him of her moves didn't matter anymore. They don't talk anymore unless it was serious, unless someone was dying or a bill needed to be paid. It was so quiet you can hear a pin drop.

They were roommates that rarely spoke sometimes there were stolen glances and even looks of longing they were friends before, they were close, they know every thing about each other and yet it was felt so weird to even try to get back to that. Walking on needles in your own house was weird like you felt you shouldn't be there.

Things didn't seem to get better and even sometimes when the night felt lonely she missed him. Call her crazy but she almost wanted him sometimes to just change his mind and things go back to where they were. All before that dreadful day.

Soon the day ended and Y/N found herself sitting in her car unable to move from her parking spot. Slowly every other employee left, the ones who usually leave two hours after Y/N left. She stayed there for four hours. She wasn't sure why but she started to cry, the tears flowed like storm that never seemed to stop. It was like a dam that finally cracked and shattered on impact, a car crash that happened in seconds. Unable to calm herself she started taking deep breaths hoping that it would work. Even counting to ten and counting down from ten, it didn't work. There were a few select people who could calm her down and one of them was her husband.

Fortunately he stayed longer than he usually did and walked out right on time to see Y/N's car in her parking space, not moving. She always left by 3:30 PM and the time now was 7:27 PM. It was quiet unusual but he didn't see her leave as they worked on the same floor almost, it was complicated but the floors in the office in specific floor five overlapped causing to two offices to be on that floor.

Something with planning they weren't sure on how to fix it without tearing down two new renovated floors, so they left it as is. Surely you can guess who occupied one of the offices on that floor.

As he approached her car he can hear loud sobs and almost immediately be knocked on her driver side door and willingly she unlocked the door he heard the click and opened her door. Her face covered in tears, runny mascara and a little snot rubbing down both nostrils she was sad. He had never seen her ever cry this much besides when he proposed. He managed to lay his belongings on top of the car and while pulling her out her own and held her.

While Y/N started wailing uncontrollably and he wasn't she why she was mad or why she even let him comfort her but he did it on instinct.

"It's okay, you're okay." He repeated to her like a mantra, almost like a line you couldn't get out your head. She gripped his shirt, her wails of pain just becoming short sniffles and her catching her breath unable to form words. It was a hard day and he could sense it. He couldn't even bring himself to speak, he knew why she was crying as if someone died.

He felt immense guilt and he wasn't sure words could even fix it so he slowly switched positions with her on the lot and sat in the drivers and pulled Y/N onto his lap away from the prying eyes of pedestrians walking by wondering who was wailing so hard.

While the door was slightly ajar they couldn't see what was unfolding and that was fine. He didn't want her to be looked at like she was crazy.

So, he held her and whispered words of reassurance to her and rocked her slowly back and forth. Her tears stilled and she just sniffed unable to process what happened and how it ended up like this.

So he just did what any husband did, he managed to get Y/N in the passenger side of her car and buckled in her did she stopped all to together unable to drive or produce more tears. He took his wife home to comfort her further in the privacy of their home.

It was a long day for the both of them Y/N especially.


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