A date with Jisoo.

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"We know that you know what you're doing," Mina told Y/N over the phone call. "None of us wants to see you get hurt again," Chaeyoung warned. "I know. The girls won't purposely hurt me again. I can confidently say that." Y/N mentioned. "Are you seeing them later?" Mina asked. "I'll be going on my second first date with Jisoo later," Y/N answered, shyly. 

"Second first date?" Chaeyoung laughed. "The girls and I are calling it that. I had my second first date with Lisa and Rosie. Jisoo's turn will be tonight. Jennie's turn will be sometime next week." Y/N proudly said. "Enjoy whatever this is." Mina didn't know what words to say when Y/N rambled on. The call ended. "What did I just hear?" Someone asked from behind. Y/N's eyes widen and quickly turned around to catch who it was. 

"Oh my gosh! Yeri?!" Y/N was panicking. "Please do not tell anyone." Her hands held together in a begging manner. "Tell anyone what? I am confused about what I was hearing." Yeri was thinking that she got into trouble. Y/N took that phone call since there were no customers in the shop. She was the only one on shift too. Someone, or in this case, Yeri, came into the shop while Y/N was on the call so she didn't hear the ball rang. There was no use trying to hide it anymore. 

"You don't need to tell me anything. I can pretend this never happened." Yeri assured before putting on an apron since her shift was starting soon. "No, we both know you can't do that." Y/N rolled her eyes and took Yeri into the back. She let the younger girl clock in first before deciding how she was going to let everything out. 

"Do you trust me, Yeri?" Y/N asked. The younger girl folded her arms and gave a firm nod, "Of course, you are one of my close friends. The one I can talk shit about other workers and customers too and I know you will never snitch on me." Y/N bit her bottom lips before relaxing. "You know how once I had the job of being one of the managers for Blackpink?" Yeri nodded. Y/N told her everything. Yes. Everything. 

"Please do not tell anyone. Not even your girlfriend. If this gets out, many people will be in trouble. I don't want my girlfriends," Y/N paused and blushed. "Girlfriends? Calm down." Yeri joked. "My lips are sealed." Yeri held out a pinky promise which Y/N gladly accepted. "What?" Y/N asked after noticing the impressed looks the younger girl was giving her. "You had your fun, huh?" Y/N playfully rolled her eyes and ignored the laughter. She cleaned herself up, clocked out and waved goodbyes to Yeri. "Right on time," Y/N smiled at her phone since she saw who was calling. 

"Good evening my beautiful girl who will be having a second first date with me." Jisoo greeted. 

Y/N got inside her van first before greeting back. 

"Did you just got done with work? I remember you texting me the time." Jisoo asked. 

Y/N nodded, "Yes, I did. Do you want me to pick you up right now?" 

Jisoo shook her head and Y/N gave a confused expression, "I was thinking that you should take a break from driving. I asked Nayeon if she could drive us later and she said she could." 

Y/N laughed.

 "You can go back home first. Shower and freshen up and maybe around 9 pm, we'll be there." Y/N gave a thumbs-up to Jisoo and ended the call. 

After doing what she needed, Y/N decided to snack on food since she would have a late dinner with Jisoo later. 

"Back to the old times, huh?" Nayeon teased when Jisoo helped her cousin into her van. "Remember when you drove us around in Japan when he had our actual first dates?" Y/N reminded and the other two gasped while covering their mouth with their right hand. "Deja vu," Jisoo whispered. "Yeah, I still remember some of the things I had to see in the rearview mirror." Nayeon casually mentioned and it got the other two embarrassed. "Keep your hands to yourself, please. You can do whatever you want later but please, not in my van." The driver begged. "You have our word," Y/N promised. Jisoo placed her head on Y/N's shoulder as they enjoyed the comfortable but quiet ride. 

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