Oliver's POVI was happy that Sara was reunited with her father but I doubt that he was going to let us off the hook. He did get his daughter back, but even so he wasn't going to just let us walk. He was extremely happy, as was Laurel. Maybe they could reconnect, now that she was back they could be a family again I really didn't know, all I could do was hope for the best. I wished that Sara was going to ease things a little bit, if not completely. I glance at Laurel and she was walking towards her dad.
"My baby girl..." The Captain Cried.
"Dad..." Sara whispered softly. I could tell that the time she had been away she had missed her family dearly, and I know for a fact that they did too. I could see Captain Lance crying into Sara's shoulder.
He looked at her and he was still in disbelief. He held her face with both his hands as she rested hers on his arms. This was such a perfect moment except the circumstances that he was here for.
I didn't want to interrupt, but then Sara broke the silence.
"It isn't their fault." She says softly, it was barely audible. "Let them go!" She says and the Captain looks at her and he was still crying, as he instructs for his team to leave. I was slightly relieved but I couldn't bring myself to relax just yet. I didn't know if we were off the hook so until he said we were free to go I wasn't going to relax.
The captain stopped crying as Laurel walked closer to the two of them. She now stood beside her sister.
"He's a murderer and a killer and he is going to jail." Lance said sternly, completely blowing off what Sara had said. He walked closer to me. "Oliver queen you are under arrest for numerous counts of murderer and obstruction of justice. You have the right to remain silent anything you say, can and will be held against you in the court of law..."he said putting cuffs on my hands making them too tight on purpose.
"Dad, he doesn't deserve to go to jail. He's not a killer..." Sara starts.
"Not anymore" Laurel steps in.
Lance was not keen on letting me go as he led me up the stairs to a police van and forced me inside it.
"You're going to face a jury!" he says as he closes the door and leaves me in the dark. I could hear muttering outside I could make the distinct it was Laurel, Sara trying to reason with their father and I could also make out Sara's voice. They were fighting for me I looked through the small window and I could see that they were getting nowhere when lance went around the truck and we started moving. I continued to look back as I was being taken away from my family.
I know I've been gone forever I apologize for that. But I'm back I can only update so often. And I wanted to get my other stories off the ground as well, and so I finally finished the 35th chapter and I would love some comments so go ahead blow up my notifications!

If she knew...
FanfictionWhen Felicity is almost killed Oliver must try to figure out who tried to kill the love if his life. He has to hope she wakes up. Will she?