Chapter 10

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Oliver’s POV

I was on my way to Felicity’s and I didn’t realize I ran 3 red lights. I didn’t care if it meant seeing her faster I would’ve run as many as it took. I got to the hospital in record time and I saw Barry was there. I walked up the stairs to the second floor and walked to her room. I entered the small room and sat down beside the bed. Her angelic features seemed pronounced under this light. The ugly gash was healing but her vitals stayed the same. She was hooked to all the different machines. I was hoping it would be okay when suddenly the rhythmic beeping stopped. It turned into a long beep. She flat-lined.

“FELICITY! NO! OH GOD NO! PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!” I say as tears threaten to fall I was told to brace for the worst but I couldn’t lose her, I didn’t want to. 

I wanted her to fight and I remembered her words when I had given up against Slade and his army.

“Felicity, you can’t die. I honored the dead by fighting. I wasn’t done fighting and you aren’t done! FE-LI-CI-TY you are not done fighting! I asked you to join my crusade because I thought I could protect you but I failed you but you’re stronger than I am. You can make it!” I basically begged. I knew she was strong and I had failed her and then the long beep returned to the same rhythm from before. I retook the seat beside the bed and grasped her hand. I decided to tell her who came by earlier.

“Felicity, Barry came by earlier, along with Laurel and Cisco, Thea, Roy, even Walter came by.” I say noticing a drop of water slip from her eye. Was she crying? I didn’t know what to believe but I put my hand and slowly ran my thumb along her cheekbone. Her skin was soft and I wanted her to wake up and I wanted to kill Nyssa for doing this to my IT girl wanted to hold her close and tell her how much I love her. If she makes it... no when she wakes up, I’ll tell her how much I love her. She needed to know and it was about time I stopped being a coward and gave us a try.

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