Barry’s POV
I am running to the hospital luckily I knew my way around Starling City. I knew just how long it will take me to get there. I walk in.
“I’m looking for Ms. Smoak’s room.” I say walking in with my normal clothing.
“Yes that would be in the IC wing” the nurse at the reception tells me and checking something on the computer. “Room 260.”
“Thank you.” I say running up the stairs, well leaving a streak up the stairs.
Once I reach the door I read the little tablet. “Felicity Megan Smoak”. I run my hand over the little plaque and put my other hand on the handle. I slowly open the door and there are people inside. 6 people are inside, I knew some. I walk in making everyone turn heads.
"Sorry I didn’t mean to invade I’m a friend of Felicity’s.” I say as they all nod and take turns introducing themselves except Roy. I slowly approach her bed and a lump forms in my throat as I see her petite body lying on this cold bed. “Is this what she felt like when I was…” I couldn’t even finish my sentence as tears run down my face. Her pure face was masked by a grotesque scar on the side of her head. Standing here made me feel so helpless. The Flash couldn’t save her, if only I would’ve visited, she would be safe. I wipe my tears and call Cisco and I hear a ring in the hallway and walk over only to see him and Catlin already here. I smile and we go to the arrow cave together to find out who hurt my friend. Oliver and Diggle also join us shortly after. Cisco gets to work on Felicity’s Computers and manages to hack the Queen consolidated security system. And Catlin enhances the face recognition on felicity’s computers and…
“I got a hit.” Cisco says as his voice trails off.
“So who was it?” Oliver, Diggle, Roy and I ask at the same time.
“You’re not going to like it. There are 2 possible people. It’s either Thea.” He says looking at Oliver.
“She was with me that night.” He says as he looks at Cisco for the second name.
“Nyssa Al Ghul. Daughter of Ra’s AL Ghul.” He says as the atmosphere in the room tenses.

If she knew...
FanfictionWhen Felicity is almost killed Oliver must try to figure out who tried to kill the love if his life. He has to hope she wakes up. Will she?