Felicity’s POV
The sunlight seeped through the widely open blinds and I woke up in my bed with a muscular figure beside me. I looked to identify and it was none other than Oliver. I smile until I realized that I was sleeping on his shoulder one of my hands holding his the other one resting on his chest. I could feel his chest rise and fall slowly. I didn’t want this to end I hoped this could last forever. I finally slept after what seemed like forever. I was in a coma for 4 months and yet my body was exhausted. How? I didn’t know.
Oliver opened his eyes slowly and smiles. His smile could light up a whole town and I was happy. He was here with me.
“Good morning.” He says in his morning voice. I smile who knew he sounded different in the morning.
“Good morning, Oliver!” I say smiling. “How did I end up here I remember falling asleep on the couch so how did I get here?” I question.
“Well you fell asleep during the movie so I carried you here.” He explains.
“Oliver you have a bad knee, after the incident…” I say as I sit up.
“Well, you didn’t deserve to sleep on the couch and I was going to when you grabbed my hand and wouldn’t let go.” He says smiling.
“Oh.” I say as it came back to me.
“Thank you for the party, but how were you able to afford it?” I ask curious.
“The manager owed my dad a favor.” He answers smiling. “What would you like for breakfast?”
“Let me at least cook breakfast.” I say putting my hands on his face.
He wraps a strong arm around me and pushes me back on the bed, and so that he’s on top of me. A yelp is caught in my throat, but it never leaves my lips, because before I know it his lips are on mine.
When we break away I look into his blue eyes and there is something about them that you could get lost in them. “I’ll cook.” He says not letting me argue as he kisses me again, before getting off and limping to the living room that leads to my kitchen. I lay back down in bed and allowed myself to daydream. Memories from my coma came back to me and about the times I flat lined the thought of seeing him again brought me back, I needed to tell him, that his love kept me alive. He loved me back to life.
I walk into the kitchen to a smell of waffles intoxicating my lungs. I see the table is set and Oliver is on crutches still, I was wondering how much longer.
We sit and eat a delicious meal, consisting of waffles and maple syrup, lots of it and strawberries, along with cookie dough ice cream. Best meal we chatted about random things while we ate.
“Oliver there’s something I want to tell you.” I say as he looks at me with worry.
“Go ahead.” he says taking my hand in his. It is where I felt most safe.
“The thing is…” I trail off unsure if I can tell him truly or not, but I wanted to, he deserved to know. “When I flat lined, you’re the reason I’m still here. Your love made me want to come back that is why I’m still here I was fighting for the both of us, and I wasn’t going to die, not like…THAT.” I say a little exaggerated. He smiles.
“I’m happy you’re okay.” he says resting his hand on mine. His eyes are so bright I could get lost in them.
Before I know it there is a knock on my door but who could it be at 6:30 in the morning?
Guys who do you think it is?? And please leave a comment on what you think about this chapter, please

If she knew...
FanficWhen Felicity is almost killed Oliver must try to figure out who tried to kill the love if his life. He has to hope she wakes up. Will she?