Sara's POV
I couldn't believe what was happening my dad had taken Oliver Queen a hero into custody. I knew that Laurel would be his attorney since she was the best there was and he needed exactly that. The best attorney. He was in hot water and my dad had his whole squad to testify of his foundry but luckily he was not in the suit.
"Maybe we can make it seem like he is not the green arrow" Dig suggested looking at the team.
"Lance has the whole police force behind him" Felicity said looking back at him.
"We could talk to him" Laurel suggested "and I mean daughter to father not attorney to officer"
"That might work" I say looking at her and run a hand through my hair worriedly "We need to get Ollie out of there and either have the charges dropped or have the SCPD believe he is not the green arrow."
"The first one might be easy there is not sufficient evidence against him and I have a few contacts at SCPD I can talk to" Laurel said and I nod.
"The only thing tying Oliver to the Green arrow is 3 officers whim he's saved the lives of as the green arrow and doubt that they will testify against him , they don't even know if Ollie is actually under that hood" Felicity says
"We have lots of work to do." Laurel said
"Talk to your contacts, see what evidence Lance actually has, Sara try talking to him, I'll try and see if I can get into the SCPD network and keep tabs from down here" Felicity instructs "please..." she added realizing how bossy she sounded making me smile slightly.
"You're still cute" I say as I turn on my heel and start heading out of the foundry. "Do you really think he has any hard evidence against Oliver?"
"I doubt it besides the foundry which will be empty by tomorrow there's not much else" Laurel responded as we head to the SCPD together.
The closer we got the more nervous I got. I didn't know what I was going to say to my dad and it worried me because I didn't think anything would make him change his mind, but we were almost there and it was worth a shot since it might get Ollie out of there tonight. I saw the police and sighed as laurel put her hand on my shoulder.
"Let's get to work!" I say as I look at her and she nods as we walk the steps of SCPD. It made me happy that she was there with me. I open the door for her and let her go through first.
"We got this" she whispered and I nod.
"Let's do it"

If she knew...
FanfictionWhen Felicity is almost killed Oliver must try to figure out who tried to kill the love if his life. He has to hope she wakes up. Will she?